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Genus Cephalops

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Diptera suborder Brachycera infraorder Muscomorpha family Pipunculidae → genus Cephalops


Daughter taxa

Beckerias Aczel, 1939 [subgenus]

Cephalops Fallen, 1810 [subgenus]

Parabeckerias De Meyer, 1994 [subgenus]

Cephalops abditus Hardy, 1949 [species]

Cephalops acklandi Kozanek & De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops acrothrix Perkins, 1910 [species]

Cephalops adamanteus De Meyer & Kozanek, 1990 [species]

Cephalops aeneus Fallen, 1810 [species]

Cephalops albivillosus Hardy, 1949 [species]

Cephalops alienus Hardy, 1953 [species]

Cephalops amapaensis Rafael, 1991 [species]

Cephalops amembranosus Rafael, 1991 [species]

Cephalops amplus Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops apletomeris Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops argenteus Kuznetzov, 1991 [species]

Cephalops argutus Hardy, 1968 [species]

Cephalops ariadneae De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops artifrons Hardy, 1968 [species]

Cephalops bellulus Hardy, 1949 [species]

Cephalops bequaerti Curran, 1929 [species]

Cephalops bicuspidis Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops bifidus De Meyer & Grootaert, 1990 [species]

Cephalops boharti Hardy, 1949 [species]

Cephalops brasiliensis Hardy, 1950 [species]

Cephalops buclavus Hardy, 1968 [species]

Cephalops burmensis De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops caeruleimontanus De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops calcaratus Hardy, 1949 [species]

Cephalops callistus Hardy, 1954 [species]

Cephalops calvus De Meyer, 1990 [species]

Cephalops candidulus Hardy, 1949 [species]

Cephalops canutifrons Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops carinatus Verrall, 1901 [species]

Cephalops cautus Hardy, 1952 [species]

Cephalops chandiensis Kapoor, Grewal & Sharma, 1987 [species]

Cephalops chauliosternum Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops cochleatus De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops congoensis Hardy, 1949 [species]

Cephalops conjunctivus Collin, 1958 [species]

Cephalops cornutus Hardy, 1953 [species]

Cephalops crassispinus Yang & Xu, 1998 [species]

Cephalops curvarmatus De Meyer, 1990 [species]

Cephalops delomeris Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops deminitens Hardy, 1966 [species]

Cephalops digitatus De Meyer, 1990 [species]

Cephalops emeljanovi Kuznetzov, 1990 [species]

Cephalops eufraternus Kapoor, Grewal & Sharma, 1987 [species]

Cephalops euryhymenos Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops excellens Kertesz, 1912 [species]

Cephalops eximius Hardy, 1972 [species]

Cephalops extimus Hardy, 1952 [species]

Cephalops filicicola Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops flaviventris De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops flavocinctus Brunetti, 1912 [species]

Cephalops fraternus Kertesz, 1912 [species]

Cephalops furnaceus De Meyer, 1990 [species]

Cephalops gansuensis Yang & Xu, 1998 [species]

Cephalops gnomus Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops gracilentus Yang & Xu, 1998 [species]

Cephalops grandimembranus De Meyer, 1989 [species]

Cephalops grootaerti De Meyer, 1990 [species]

Cephalops haleakalaae Hardy, 1953 [species]

Cephalops hardyi De Meyer, 1990 [species]

Cephalops hawaiiensis Perkins, 1905 [species]

Cephalops hemistilbus Hardy, 1961 [species]

Cephalops hirtifemurus Yang & Xu, 1998 [species]

Cephalops holomelas Perkins, 1910 [species]

Cephalops huashanensis Yang & Xu, 1989 [species]

Cephalops imperfectus Becker, 1921 [species]

Cephalops inchoatus Hardy, 1949 [species]

Cephalops incohatus Morakote, 1990 [species]

Cephalops inflatus De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops injectivus Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops innitidus Rafael, 1991 [species]

Cephalops inpaganus Rafael, 1991 [species]

Cephalops javensis De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops juvator Perkins, 1905 [species]

Cephalops juvencus Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops kalimus Hardy, 1962 [species]

Cephalops kashmerensis Kapoor, Grewal & Sharma, 1987 [species]

Cephalops koolauensis Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops kumaonensis Kapoor, Grewal & Sharma, 1987 [species]

Cephalops kumatai Morakote, 1990 [species]

Cephalops kunashiricus Kuznetzov, 1990 [species]

Cephalops kurilensis Kuznetzov, 1990 [species]

Cephalops laeviventris Loew, 1858 [species]

Cephalops laterisutilis Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops libidinosus de Meyer, 1991 [species]

Cephalops limatus Hardy, 1965 [species]

Cephalops longicaudus Yang & Xu, 1998 [species]

Cephalops longiductulis De Meyer, 1990 [species]

Cephalops longipennis Brunetti, 1927 [species]

Cephalops longisetosus Hardy, 1950 [species]

Cephalops longistigmatis Yang & Xu, 1998 [species]

Cephalops longistylis De Meyer, 1990 [species]

Cephalops lubuti Curran, 1929 [species]

Cephalops lucidus Hardy, 1950 [species]

Cephalops lusingensis Hardy, 1952 [species]

Cephalops macrothrix Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops maculiventris Brunetti, 1927 [species]

Cephalops magnimembrus De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops mainensis Cresson, 1911 [species]

Cephalops mashobraensis Kapoor, Grewal & Sharma, 1987 [species]

Cephalops megameris Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops melanopodis Hardy, 1953 [species]

Cephalops metallicus Morakote, 1990 [species]

Cephalops molokaiensis Grimshaw, 1901 [species]

Cephalops multidenticulatus De Meyer & Grootaert, 1990 [species]

Cephalops mundulus Hardy, 1968 [species]

Cephalops nagatomii Hardy, 1972 [species]

Cephalops navus Hardy, 1952 [species]

Cephalops nigricoxa Rafael, 1991 [species]

Cephalops nigrifrons Rafael, 1991 [species]

Cephalops nigronitens Brunetti, 1912 [species]

Cephalops nigrotarsatus Grimshaw, 1901 [species]

Cephalops nitidellus Rafael, 1991 [species]

Cephalops nitidus Hardy, 1950 [species]

Cephalops oahuensis Perkins, 1905 [species]

Cephalops obscuratus Hardy, 1953 [species]

Cephalops obstipus Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops obtusinervis Zetterstedt, 1844 [species]

Cephalops obtusus Hardy, 1949 [species]

Cephalops orbiculatus Yang & Xu, 1998 [species]

Cephalops orestes Hardy, 1972 [species]

Cephalops pacatus Morakote, 1990 [species]

Cephalops paganus Hardy, 1965 [species]

Cephalops palawanensis Hardy, 1972 [species]

Cephalops pallidipleura Curran, 1929 [species]

Cephalops pallidivittipes De Meyer, 1990 [species]

Cephalops pallipes Johnson, 1903 [species]

Cephalops pannonicus Aczel, 1939 [species]

Cephalops papuaensis De Meyer & Grootaert, 1990 [species]

Cephalops parmatus De Meyer & Grootaert, 1990 [species]

Cephalops parvicornis Hardy, 1949 [species]

Cephalops pauculus Hardy, 1954 [species]

Cephalops pedernalensis Rafael, 1996 [species]

Cephalops pendleburyi Brunetti, 1927 [species]

Cephalops penepauculus Hardy, 1965 [species]

Cephalops penultimus Ackland, 1993 [species]

Cephalops perkinsiellae Hardy, 1953 [species]

Cephalops perpaucus Hardy, 1950 [species]

Cephalops perspicuus Meijere, 1907 [species]

Cephalops phaethus Hardy & Knowlton, 1939 [species]

Cephalops philippinensis Hardy, 1949 [species]

Cephalops ponti Rafael, 1991 [species]

Cephalops proditus Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops pulvillatus Kertesz, 1915 [species]

Cephalops quasilubuti Hardy, 1962 [species]

Cephalops robustus De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops rotundipennis Grimshaw, 1901 [species]

Cephalops ruandensis Hardy, 1950 [species]

Cephalops saegeri Hardy, 1961 [species]

Cephalops sectus Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops seminitidus Becker, 1898 [species]

Cephalops shanghaiensis Ouchi, 1943 [species]

Cephalops shikotanicus Kuznetzov, 1990 [species]

Cephalops shisanlingensis Yang & Xu, 1998 [species]

Cephalops signatus Becker, 1900 [species]

Cephalops splendens De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops straminipes Becker, 1900 [species]

Cephalops stygius Hardy, 1948 [species]

Cephalops subultimus Collin, 1956 [species]

Cephalops swezeyi Perkins, 1905 [species]

Cephalops taiwanensis De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops talyshensis Kuznetzov, 1990 [species]

Cephalops terraereginensis De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops terryi Perkins, 1905 [species]

Cephalops tibetanus Yang & Xu, 1987 [species]

Cephalops timberlakei Hardy, 1953 [species]

Cephalops titanus Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops trichostylis Hardy, 1964 [species]

Cephalops turkmenorum Kuznetzov, 1990 [species]

Cephalops ugandensis De Meyer, 1992 [species]

Cephalops ultimus Becker, 1900 [species]

Cephalops uluhe Hardy, 1953 [species]

Cephalops validus Hardy, 1972 [species]

Cephalops varipes Meigen, 1824 [species]

Cephalops varius Cresson, 1911 [species]

Cephalops villifemoralis Hardy, 1954 [species]

Cephalops villosiscutum Hardy, 1962 [species]

Cephalops vinnulus Hardy, 1949 [species]

Cephalops visendus Hardy, 1950 [species]

Cephalops vittipes Zetterstedt, 1844 [species]

Cephalops xanthocnemis Perkins, 1905 [species]

Cephalops yoshiyasui Morakote, 1990 [species]

Cephalops zululandicus Hardy, 1949 [species]


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