class Insecta
Stictoptera cucullioides Guenée, 1852 = Steiria subobliqua Walker, [1858] = Steiria variabilis Moore, 1882 = Stictoptera timesia Swinhoe, 1893 = obscurior Strand, 1917 = griseoochracea Strand, 1917 = patagialis Strand, 1917 = subobliquella Strand, 1917 = subobliquana Strand, 1917 = subobliquodes Strand, 1917 = pseudosubobliqua Strand, 1917 = rufobrunnea Strand, 1917 = basilutea Strand, 1917 = subbasilutea Strand, 1917 = nigrofascia Strand, 1917 = basisuffusa Strand, 1917 = connecta Strand, 1917 = timesoides Strand, 1917 = timesella Strand, 1917 = timesiana Strand, 1917 = nigrotincta Strand, 1917 = Stictoptera wetterensis Swinhoe, 1917 = Stictoptera obscurior Gaede, 1937 = Stictoptera griseoochracea Gaede, 1937 = Stictoptera patagialis Gaede, 1937. [9]
This species marks on the maps: 1.
Nearctic, Indo-Malayan, Australian.
Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.
Text data: Vasiliy Feoktistov.
The species characteristics formalization: Peter Khramov, Vasiliy Feoktistov.
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