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Genus Neptosternus

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Adephaga superfamily Caraboidea family Dytiscidae subfamily Laccophilinae tribe Laccophilini → genus Neptosternus Sharp, 1882


Daughter taxa

Neptosternus africanus Peschet, 1917 [species]

Neptosternus alluaudi Régimbart, 1903 [species]

Neptosternus annettae Hendrich and Balke, 2000 [species]

Neptosternus arnecornelii Hendrich and Balke, 2003 [species]

Neptosternus aterrimus Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus babetteae Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus batekensis Bilardo and Rocchi, 2010 [species]

Neptosternus bellus Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus biharensis Vazirani, 1963 [species]

Neptosternus bilardoi Pederzani and Rocchi, 2009 [species]

Neptosternus biltoni Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus bimaculatus Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus borneensis Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus boukali Hendrich and Balke, 1999 [species]

Neptosternus brevior Régimbart, 1899 [species]

Neptosternus cebuensis Hendrich and Balke, 2000 [species]

Neptosternus ceylonicus Holmen and Vazirani, 1990 [species]

Neptosternus chumphon Balke and Hendrich, 1998 [species]

Neptosternus circumductus Régimbart, 1899 [species]

Neptosternus compsus Guignot, 1953 [species]

Neptosternus coomani Peschet, 1923 [species]

Neptosternus corporaali Zimmermann, 1924 [species]

Neptosternus distinctus Omer-Cooper, 1970 [species]

Neptosternus fasciatus Omer-Cooper, 1970 [species]

Neptosternus feryi Balke, Hendrich and C. M. Yang, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus hafti Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus hedychrous Guignot, 1955 [species]

Neptosternus horai Vazirani, 1953 [species]

Neptosternus hydaticoides Régimbart, 1877 [species]

Neptosternus jacobsoni Zimmermann, 1927 [species]

Neptosternus jaechi Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus jani Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus kalimantanensis Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus kaszabi Satô, 1972 [species]

Neptosternus kerala Hendrich and Balke, 1999 [species]

Neptosternus kodadai Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus kolakaensis Balke and Hendrich, 1998 [species]

Neptosternus krikkeni Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus langoensis Bilardo and Rocchi, 2010 [species]

Neptosternus latissimus Balke, Hendrich and C. M. Yang, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus leyi Hendrich and Balke, 2000 [species]

Neptosternus maculatus Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus magnus Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus malayanus Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus manfredi Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus martinae Hendrich and Balke, 2001 [species]

Neptosternus mazzoldii Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus meridianus Omer-Cooper, 1970 [species]

Neptosternus minimus Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus moelleri Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus montalbanensis Hendrich and Balke, 2000 [species]

Neptosternus muluensis Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus namcattienensis Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus neisiorum Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus nigeriensis Omer-Cooper, 1970 [species]

Neptosternus nigritus Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus noteroides Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus nuperus Guignot, 1954 [species]

Neptosternus oberthueri Régimbart, 1903 [species]

Neptosternus oblongus Régimbart, 1895 [species]

Neptosternus ornatus Sharp, 1882 [species]

Neptosternus pederzanii Bilardo and Rocchi, 2010 [species]

Neptosternus pocsi Satô, 1972 [species]

Neptosternus psephotus Guignot, 1955 [species]

Neptosternus pseudocorporaali Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus pseudohydaticoides Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus pumicatus Guignot, 1949 [species]

Neptosternus quadrimaculatus Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus rajasthanicus Vazirani, 1975 [species]

Neptosternus regimbarti Peschet, 1917 [species]

Neptosternus resartus Guignot, 1954 [species]

Neptosternus riedeli Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus rotroui Pic, 1924 [species]

Neptosternus sabahensis Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus sarawakensis Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus schoedli Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus siamensis Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus silvester Guignot, 1960 [species]

Neptosternus simulator Omer-Cooper, 1970 [species]

Neptosternus sinharajaicus Holmen and Vazirani, 1990 [species]

Neptosternus sombuicus Guignot, 1954 [species]

Neptosternus starmuehlneri Wewalka, 1973 [species]

Neptosternus strnadi Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus subopacus Guignot, 1956 [species]

Neptosternus sumatrensis Régimbart, 1895 [species]

Neptosternus susinii Bilardo and Rocchi, 2010 [species]

Neptosternus taiwanensis Hendrich & Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus taprobanicus Sharp, 1890 [species]

Neptosternus thailandicus Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus thiambooni Balke, Hendrich and C. M. Yang, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus togianensis Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus tricuspis Guignot, 1954 [species]

Neptosternus tropicus Guignot, 1954 [species]

Neptosternus verenae Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus vietnamensis Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus viktordulgeri Balke and Hendrich, 2001 [species]

Neptosternus wewalkai Balke, Hendrich and C. M. Yang, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus winkelmanni Hendrich and Balke, 1997 [species]

Neptosternus yanbini Bian and Ji, 2009 [species]


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