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Genus Hygrotus

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Adephaga superfamily Caraboidea family Dytiscidae subfamily Hydroporinae tribe Hygrotini → genus Hygrotus Stephens, 1828



This taxon marks on the maps Hygrotus: 1

Daughter taxa

Hygrotus Stephens, 1828 [subgenus]

Hygrotus acaroides LeConte, 1855 [species]

Hygrotus aequalis Falkenström, 1932 [species]

Hygrotus ahmeti Hájek, Fery and Erman, 2005 [species]

Hygrotus armeniacus Zaitzev, 1927 [species]

Hygrotus artus Fall, 1919 [species]

Hygrotus berneri Young and Wolfe, 1984 [species]

Hygrotus bruesi Fall, 1928 [species]

Hygrotus chinensis Sharp, 1882 [species]

Hygrotus collatus Fall, 1919 [species]

Hygrotus compar Fall, 1919 [species]

Hygrotus curvilobus Fery, Sadeghi and Hosseinie, 2005 [species]

Hygrotus curvipes Leech, 1938 [species]

Hygrotus decoratus Gyllenhal, 1810 [species]

Hygrotus dissimilis Gemminger & Harold, 1868 [species]

Hygrotus diversipes Leech, 1966 [species]

Hygrotus falli Wallis, 1924 [species]

Hygrotus farctus LeConte, 1855 [species]

Hygrotus femoratus Fall, 1901 [species]

Hygrotus fontinalis Leech, 1966 [species]

Hygrotus fraternus LeConte, 1852 [species]

Hygrotus fumatus Sharp, 1882 [species]

Hygrotus hydropicus LeConte, 1852 [species]

Hygrotus inaequalis Fabricius, 1777 [species]

Hygrotus infuscatus Sharp, 1882 [species]

Hygrotus inscriptus Sharp, 1882 [species]

Hygrotus intermedius Fall, 1919 [species]

Hygrotus laccophilinus LeConte, 1878 [species]

Hygrotus lutescens LeConte, 1852 [species]

Hygrotus marginipennis Blatchley, 1912 [species]

Hygrotus masculinus Crotch, 1874 [species]

Hygrotus nigrescens Fall, 1919 [species]

Hygrotus nubilus LeConte, 1855 [species]

Hygrotus obscureplagiatus Fall, 1919 [species]

Hygrotus orthogrammus Sharp, 1882 [species]

Hygrotus patruelis LeConte, 1855 [species]

Hygrotus pectoralis Motschulsky, 1860 [species]

Hygrotus pedalis Fall, 1901 [species]

Hygrotus picatus Kirby, 1837 [species]

Hygrotus punctilineatus Fall, 1919 [species]

Hygrotus quinquelineatus Zetterstedt, 1828 [species]

Hygrotus salinarius Wallis, 1924 [species]

Hygrotus sayi J. Balfour-Browne, 1944 [species]

Hygrotus sellatus LeConte, 1866 [species]

Hygrotus semenowi Jakovlev, 1899 [species]

Hygrotus semivittatus Fall, 1919 [species]

Hygrotus stefanschoedli Fery, Sadeghi and Hosseinie, 2005 [species]

Hygrotus suturalis LeConte, 1850 [species]

Hygrotus sylvanus Fall, 1917 [species]

Hygrotus thermarum Darlington, 1928 [species]

Hygrotus tumidiventris Fall, 1919 [species]

Hygrotus turbidus LeConte, 1855 [species]

Hygrotus urgensis Jakovlev, 1899 [species]

Hygrotus versicolor Schaller, 1783 [species]

Hygrotus wardii Clark, 1862 [species]

Hygrotus zigetangco Fery, 2003 [species]

Hygrotus photos with superspecies identification

If you know the species, please, click on the picture and write the species name in Comments section. Also, you can go to the gallery page with all photos of Hygrotus sp. (large size), and suggest the identification.

Hygrotus sp.


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