This taxon marks on the maps Cybistrini: 2
Genera: 7 (1 illustrated). Subgenera: 9 (1 illustrated). Species.
Cybister Curtis, 1827 [genus]
Cybister, Megadytoides, Melanectes, Neocybister, Scaphinectes,
Cybister parvus
Megadytes Sharp, 1882 [genus]
Bifurcitus, Megadytes, Paramegadytes, Trifurcitus,
Megadytes costalis, Megadytes obovatus
Sternhydrus Brinck, 1945 [genus]
Sternhydrus atratus, Sternhydrus gibbosus, Sternhydrus kolbei, Sternhydrus toxopei
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