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Subgenus Sibiota

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Polyphaga infraorder Staphyliniformia superfamily Staphylinoidea family Staphylinidae subfamily Aleocharinae tribe Athetini genus Geostiba → subgenus Sibiota Casey, 1906


Daughter taxa

Geostiba albacetensis Pace, 1983 [species]

Geostiba alticola Lohse and Smetana, 1988 [species]

Geostiba appalachigena Gusarov, 2002 [species]

Geostiba appuana (Bernhauer, 1940) [species]

Geostiba asturiensis (Fagel, 1967) [species]

Geostiba balsamensis Pace, 1997 [species]

Geostiba behnei Zerche, 2002 [species]

Geostiba beroni (Coiffait, 1968) [species]

Geostiba bicarinata Lohse & Smetana, 1988 [species]

Geostiba bidens (Baudi, 1869) [species]

Geostiba carteriensis Pace, 1997 [species]

Geostiba cassagnaui (Coiffait, 1968) [species]

Geostiba cavipennis (Mulsant & Rey, 1875) [species]

Geostiba chyzeri (Eppelsheim, 1883) [species]

Geostiba coeligena Gusarov, 2002 [species]

Geostiba coiffaiti Pace, 1983 [species]

Geostiba commingensis Pace, 1990 [species]

Geostiba crepusculigena Gusarov, 2002 [species]

Geostiba doderoana (Roubal, 1912) [species]

Geostiba excaecata Assing, 2001 [species]

Geostiba filiformis (Wollaston, 1854) [species]

Geostiba florentina Pace, 1977 [species]

Geostiba formicarum (Wollaston, 1854) [species]

Geostiba furcifera Fauvel, 1900 [species]

Geostiba galicicana Assing, 2000 [species]

Geostiba gardinii Pace, 1988 [species]

Geostiba graveyardensis Pace, 1997 [species]

Geostiba hervei Pace, 1990 [species]

Geostiba impressula Casey, 1906 [species]

Geostiba insularis (Bernhauer, 1909) [species]

Geostiba kasyi (Scheerpeltz, 1959) [species]

Geostiba lavagnei Peyerimhoff, 1917 [species]

Geostiba linkei (Bernhauer, 1940) [species]

Geostiba maritima Pace, 1990 [species]

Geostiba meixneri (Bernhauer, 1910) [species]

Geostiba melanocephala (Crotch, 1876) [species]

Geostiba mendax Pace, 1977 [species]

Geostiba menozzii Pace, 1988 [species]

Geostiba mostarensis Pace, 2002 [species]

Geostiba nebuligena Gusarov, 2002 [species]

Geostiba nimbicola Lohse & Smetana, 1988 [species]

Geostiba nubigena Lohse & Smetana, 1988 [species]

Geostiba oertzeni (Eppelsheim, 1888) [species]

Geostiba optima Pace, 1983 [species]

Geostiba padana (Weise, 1878) [species]

Geostiba pluvigena Gusarov, 2002 [species]

Geostiba pulchella (Baudi, 1869) [species]

Geostiba rhunensis Fauvel, 1900 [species]

Geostiba rossii Pace, 1977 [species]

Geostiba samai Pace, 1977 [species]

Geostiba schneideri (Bernhauer, 1940) [species]

Geostiba schuelkei Assing, 1999 [species]

Geostiba sculpticollis (Apfelbeck, 1907) [species]

Geostiba segurensis Pace, 1990 [species]

Geostiba sibyllinica Pace, 2002 [species]

Geostiba silvigena Gusarov, 2002 [species]

Geostiba skalitzkyi (Oliveira, 1893) [species]

Geostiba solarii (Bernhauer, 1902) [species]

Geostiba straneoi (Bernhauer, 1940) [species]

Geostiba stussineri (Bernhauer, 1914) [species]

Geostiba subcarinulata (Bernhauer, 1909) [species]

Geostiba tamaninii (Scheerpeltz, 1956) [species]

Geostiba tenenbaumi (Bernhauer, 1940) [species]

Geostiba veneta Pace, 1977 [species]

Geostiba weiratheri Pace, 1984 [species]

Geostiba zeithammeri (Bernhauer, 1940) [species]

Geostiba zoufali (Rambousek, 1915) [species]


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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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