This taxon marks on the maps Platysoma: 3
Platysoma abyssinicum Lewis, 1885 [species]
Platysoma aequum J. L. LeConte, 1863 [species]
Platysoma anceps Schmidt, 1892 [species]
Platysoma apicipunctum Lea, 1925 [species]
Platysoma aurelianum Horn, 1873 [species]
Platysoma aureoliferum Marseul, 1864 [species]
Platysoma baliolum Lewis, 1889 [species]
Platysoma beybienkoi Kryzhanovskij, 1972 [species]
Platysoma bifossopygum Marseul, 1864 [species]
Platysoma biimpressum Schmidt, 1892 [species]
Platysoma bimaculatum Mazur, 1990 [species]
Platysoma bipunctatum Lewis, 1889 [species]
Platysoma brahmani Lewis, 1910 [species]
Platysoma brevistriatum Lewis, 1888 [species]
Platysoma caviceps Lea, 1925 [species]
Platysoma celatum Lewis, 1884 [species]
Platysoma chinense Lewis, 1894 [species]
Platysoma clarenciae Marseul, 1870 [species]
Platysoma completum Marseul, 1870 [species]
Platysoma compressum Herbst, 1783 [species]
Platysoma conditum Marseul, 1864 [species]
Platysoma conjungens Lea, 1925 [species]
Platysoma connexum Fauvel, 1891 [species]
Platysoma constrictum Lewis, 1891 [species]
Platysoma contritum Marseul, 1879 [species]
Platysoma coomani Thérond, 1955 [species]
Platysoma debile Marseul, 1864 [species]
Platysoma deplanatum Gyllenhal, 1808 [species]
Platysoma diremptum Desbordes, 1930 [species]
Platysoma dufali Marseul, 1864 [species]
Platysoma euphorbiae Peyerimhoff, 1925 [species]
Platysoma feles Marseul, 1864 [species]
Platysoma gemellum Cooman, 1929 [species]
Platysoma georgii Marseul, 1870 [species]
Platysoma germanum Lewis, 1907 [species]
Platysoma gibbum Bickhardt, 1920 [species]
Platysoma hemistrium Marseul, 1879 [species]
Platysoma inapertum Motschulsky, 1863 [species]
Platysoma incurvatum Lewis, 1909 [species]
Platysoma inexpectatum Lackner, 2004 [species]
Platysoma javanum Mazur, 1972 [species]
Platysoma jejunum Lewis, 1892 [species]
Platysoma joliveti Gomy, 2007 [species]
Platysoma koreanum Mazur, 1999 [species]
Platysoma laevipygum Marseul, 1870 [species]
Platysoma latimarginatum Lewis, 1899 [species]
Platysoma leconti Marseul, 1853 [species]
Platysoma loriae Schmidt, 1893 [species]
Platysoma lucillum Lewis, 1891 [species]
Platysoma minax Mazur, 1999 [species]
Platysoma moluccanum Marseul, 1864 [species]
Platysoma multistriatum Lea, 1925 [species]
Platysoma novum Lewis, 1885 [species]
Platysoma perroti Thérond, 1955 [species]
Platysoma philippinicola Desbordes, 1925 [species]
Platysoma pictipenne Lewis, 1901 [species]
Platysoma planiceps MacLeay, 1871 [species]
Platysoma platipygum Marseul, 1879 [species]
Platysoma raffrayi Desbordes, 1929 [species]
Platysoma rasile Lewis, 1884 [species]
Platysoma retrospectum Marseul, 1879 [species]
Platysoma rimarium Erichson, 1834 [species]
Platysoma rufopygum Lewis, 1905 [species]
Platysoma ruptistriatum Lewis, 1904 [species]
Platysoma scalptum Lewis, 1902 [species]
Platysoma schenklingi Bickhardt, 1913 [species]
Platysoma semilineatum Schmidt, 1892 [species]
Platysoma sichuanum Mazur, 2007 [species]
Platysoma solivagum Lewis, 1892 [species]
Platysoma striatipectum Marseul, 1870 [species]
Platysoma striatisternum Lewis, 1892 [species]
Platysoma striativarium Lea, 1925 [species]
Platysoma striativentre Lea, 1925 [species]
Platysoma subcostatum Lea, 1925 [species]
Platysoma subdepressum MacLeay, 1871 [species]
Platysoma suturistrium Marseul, 1879 [species]
Platysoma takehikoi Ôhara, 1986 [species]
Platysoma thugnaum Lewis, 1902 [species]
Platysoma torpens Marseul, 1864 [species]
Platysoma tribistriatum Marseul, 1879 [species]
Platysoma tsushimae Ôhara, 1986 [species]
Platysoma vagans Lewis, 1884 [species]
Platysoma vulsum Bickhardt, 1920 [species]
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