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Tribe Ceratocanthini

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Polyphaga infraorder Scarabeiformia superfamily Scarabaeoidea family Hybosoridae subfamily Ceratocanthinae → tribe Ceratocanthini Martínez, 1968


Daughter taxa

Genera: 35 (0 illustrated). Subgenera: 1 (0 illustrated). Species.

Anopsiostes Paulian, 1982 [genus]

Anopsiostes punctatus

Germarostes Paulian, 1982 [genus]

Germarostes abruptus, Germarostes allorgei, Germarostes anchicayae, Germarostes antiquus, Germarostes argentinus, Germarostes batesi, Germarostes bidens, Germarostes brunnipes, Germarostes bugabensis, Germarostes carinatus, Germarostes carltoni, Germarostes columbianus, Germarostes costulatus, Germarostes crassicollis, Germarostes degallieri, Germarostes diffundus, Germarostes ecuadoricus, Germarostes ecuadoriensis, Germarostes excisus, Germarostes farri, Germarostes gaujoni, Germarostes geayi, Germarostes guyanensis, Germarostes hamiger, Germarostes haroldi, Germarostes heterodynamus, Germarostes howdenicus, Germarostes indigaceus, Germarostes infantulus, Germarostes instriatus, Germarostes jamaicensis, Germarostes leprieuri, Germarostes leticiae, Germarostes macleayi, Germarostes madeiranus, Germarostes malkini, Germarostes metallicus, Germarostes nasutus, Germarostes nigerrimus, Germarostes nitens, Germarostes oberthuri, Germarostes osellai, Germarostes otonga, Germarostes pauliani, Germarostes pecki, Germarostes plicatus, Germarostes posticus, Germarostes pullus, Germarostes puncticollis, Germarostes punctulatus, Germarostes pusillus, Germarostes pustulosus, Germarostes reticularis, Germarostes rotundatus, Germarostes rufopiceus, Germarostes rugatus, Germarostes rugiceps, Germarostes salesiacus, Germarostes semituberculatus, Germarostes senegalensis, Germarostes sinuatus, Germarostes sticticus, Germarostes strigilateris, Germarostes sulcipennis, Germarostes tibialis, Germarostes tubericauda, Germarostes viridipennis, Germarostes viridis, Germarostes viridulus

Goudotostes Paulian, 1979 [genus]

Goudotostes scabrosus

Nesopalla Paulian and Howden, 1982 [genus]

Nesopalla borinquensis, Nesopalla iviei

Oxymorostes Ballerio, 2009 [genus]

Oxymorostes riedeli


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