class Insecta
Cantharis rufa Linnaeus, 1758 = Cantharis conditiva Pic 1912 = Cantharis confinis Stephens 1830 = Telephorus griseipennis Stephens 1832 = Cantharis korbi Pic 1912 = Cantharis litterata Eschscholtz 1818 = Cantharis liturata Fallen 1807 = Telephorus maculicollis Stephens 1832 = Cantharis padana Fiori 1914 = Cantharis roelofsi Pic 1913 = Telephorus rufescens Dietrich 1857 = Telephorus tenuilimbatus Ballion 1870 = Cantharis testaceipes Stephens 1830 = Cantharis turkestanica Pic 1913 = Cantharis alexandris Pic 1914 = Cantharis analis Stephens 1829. [10, 186]
This species marks on the maps: 1.
Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.
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