This taxon marks on the maps Lepyrus: 2
Lepyrus alternans Casey, 1895 [species]
Lepyrus armatus Weise, 1893 [species]
Lepyrus asperatus Schauf. , 1882 [species]
Lepyrus bimaculatus Dejean [species]
Lepyrus binotatus Germar [species]
Lepyrus bituberculatus Cristofori & Jan, 1832 [species]
Lepyrus brevis Schneid. , 1898 [species]
Lepyrus caesius Csiki, 1934 [species]
Lepyrus canadensis Casey, 1895 [species]
Lepyrus canus Gyll. in Schoenh. , 1834 [species]
Lepyrus capucinus Schaller, 1783 [species]
Lepyrus chinganensis Zumpt , 1936 [species]
Lepyrus christophi Faust, 1882 [species]
Lepyrus christophori Kleine , 1918 [species]
Lepyrus cinereus Van Dyke , 1928-29 [species]
Lepyrus colon Linnaeus [species]
Lepyrus costulatus Faust , 1882 [species]
Lepyrus dahlii Cristofori & Jan, 1832 [species]
Lepyrus dorsalis Reitt. , 1890 [species]
Lepyrus elongatus Zumpt , 1936 [species]
Lepyrus errans Casey, 1895 [species]
Lepyrus flavidulus Reitt. , 1908 [species]
Lepyrus gamma Megerle [species]
Lepyrus ganglbaueri Faust , 1888 [species]
Lepyrus gemellus Kirby, 1837 [species]
Lepyrus geminatus Say, 1831 [species]
Lepyrus germinatus Say , 1831 [species]
Lepyrus gibber Faust , 1882 [species]
Lepyrus griseus Melichar , 1912 [species]
Lepyrus herbichi Reitt. , 1896 [species]
Lepyrus impudicus Cristofori & Jan, 1832 [species]
Lepyrus japonicus Roelofs, 1873 [species]
Lepyrus konoi Zumpt, 1936 [species]
Lepyrus labradorensis Blair, 1933 [species]
Lepyrus motschulskyi Faust , 1882 [species]
Lepyrus nebulosus Motsch. in Schrenck , 1860 [species]
Lepyrus nordenskioeldi Faust, 1885 [species]
Lepyrus notabilis Faust , 1882 [species]
Lepyrus oregonus Casey, 1895 [species]
Lepyrus palustris Scopoli, 1763 [species]
Lepyrus perforatus Casey, 1895 [species]
Lepyrus quadriguttatus Sturm, 1826 [species]
Lepyrus quadrinotatus Boh. in Schoenh. , 1842 [species]
Lepyrus quadrituberculatus Cristofori & Jan, 1832 [species]
Lepyrus rufoclavatus Sturm, 1826 [species]
Lepyrus rugicollis Desbr. , 1895-96 [species]
Lepyrus semicolon Billberg [species]
Lepyrus sibiricus Zumpt , 1938 [species]
Lepyrus signatipennis Roelofs, W., 1873 [species]
Lepyrus staudingeri Zumpt, 1936 [species]
Lepyrus terrestris Motsch. in Schrenck , 1860 [species]
Lepyrus tessellatus Van Dyke , 1928-29 [species]
Lepyrus triguttatus Germar [species]
Lepyrus v-griseum Megerle [species]
Lepyrus variegatus Schmidt, 1856 [species]
Lepyrus ventricosus Faust, 1882 [species]
Lepyrus volgensis Faust, 1882 [species]
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