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Genus Liophloeus

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Polyphaga infraorder Cucujiformia superfamily Curculionoidea family Curculionidae → genus Liophloeus Germar, 1817



This taxon marks on the maps Liophloeus: 1

Daughter taxa

Liophloeodes Weise, 1894 [subgenus]

Liophloeus Germar, 1824 [subgenus]

Liophloeus ophthalmicus

Liophloeus alpestris Tourn., 1874 [species]

Liophloeus amplipennis Tourn., 1874 [species]

Liophloeus aquisgranensis Foerster, 1849 [species]

Liophloeus argentosparsus Trappen in Horion, 1935 [species]

Liophloeus atricornis Desbr., 1871 [species]

Liophloeus aurecphilis Tourn., 1874 [species]

Liophloeus canus Gyllenhal, 1834 [species]

Liophloeus chrysopserus Boheman, 1842 [species]

Liophloeus chrysopterus Boh. in Schoenh., 1842 [species]

Liophloeus cyanescens Fairm., 1859 [species]

Liophloeus denudatus Des Gozis, 1886 [species]

Liophloeus floccosus Dalla Torre & van Emden, 1936 [species]

Liophloeus geminatus Boh. in Schoenh., 1842 [species]

Liophloeus gibbus Boh. in Schoenh., 1842 [species]

Liophloeus herbsti Gyll. in Shoenh., 1834 [species]

Liophloeus herbstii Schoenherr, 1834 [species]

Liophloeus heydeni Stierl., 1889 [species]

Liophloeus hungaricus Tourn., 1876 [species]

Liophloeus ineditus Tourn., 1874 [species]

Liophloeus inquinatus Mannerh. , 1852 [species]

Liophloeus kiesenwetteri Tourn. in Stierl., 1889 [species]

Liophloeus kirschi Tourn., 1874 [species]

Liophloeus laevifrons Petri, 1912 [species]

Liophloeus laticollis Tourn., 1876 [species]

Liophloeus lentus Germ. [species]

Liophloeus liptoviensis Dalla Torre & van Emden, 1936 [species]

Liophloeus maroccana Fairm. , 1868 [species]

Liophloeus maurus Steph., 1831 [species]

Liophloeus minutus Tourn., 1874 [species]

Liophloeus modestus Tourn., 1874 [species]

Liophloeus morio Billberg [species]

Liophloeus nigricornis Chevr., 1871 [species]

Liophloeus nubeculosus Weise in Reitt., 1906 [species]

Liophloeus nubiculosus Schoenh. In Menetries, 1832 [species]

Liophloeus nubilus Gyll. in Shoenh., 1834 [species]

Liophloeus nudus Rey, 1894 [species]

Liophloeus obsequiosus Gyll. in Shoenh., 1834 [species]

Liophloeus opacus Des Gozis, 1886 [species]

Liophloeus opthalmicus Stierl., 1889 [species]

Liophloeus ovipennis Fairm., 1858 [species]

Liophloeus paulinoi Desbr., 1874-75 [species]

Liophloeus pictus Stierl., 1889 [species]

Liophloeus pulverulentus Boh. in Schoenh., 1842 [species]

Liophloeus pupillatus Apfelb., 1928 [species]

Liophloeus quadricollis Tourn., 1876 [species]

Liophloeus robusticornis Tourn., 1876 [species]

Liophloeus rotundicollis Tourn., 1874 [species]

Liophloeus schmidti Boh. In Schoenh., 1842 [species]

Liophloeus schmidtii Boheman, 1842 [species]

Liophloeus sparsutus Tourn., 1874 [species]

Liophloeus sulcatulus Desbr., 1892 [species]

Liophloeus sulcifrons Petri, 1912 [species]

Liophloeus terrenus Rey, 1894 [species]

Liophloeus tessellatus Hust., 1925 [species]

Liophloeus tessulatus Müller, 1776 [species]

Liophloeus verticalis Rey, 1894 [species]

Liophloeus viridanus Tourn., 1874 [species]


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