Phyllolabis alexanderi Lackschewitz, 1940 [species]
Phyllolabis beesoni Alexander, 1929 [species]
Phyllolabis brunettii Alexander, 1961 [species]
Phyllolabis bryantiana Alexander, 1931 [species]
Phyllolabis clavigera Osten Sacken, 1877 [species]
Phyllolabis confluenta Alexander, 1927 [species]
Phyllolabis czizeki Alexander, 1961 [species]
Phyllolabis edwardsi Alexander, 1961 [species]
Phyllolabis encausta Osten Sacken, 1877 [species]
Phyllolabis fenderiana Alexander, 1949 [species]
Phyllolabis flavida Alexander, 1918 [species]
Phyllolabis geigeri Podenas and Stary, 1997 [species]
Phyllolabis ghilarovi Savchenko, 1983 [species]
Phyllolabis gohli Mendl, 1976 [species]
Phyllolabis golanensis Stary and Freidberg, 2007 [species]
Phyllolabis hemmingseni Nielsen, 1959 [species]
Phyllolabis hirtiloba Alexander, 1947 [species]
Phyllolabis hurdi Alexander, 1964 [species]
Phyllolabis kocmani Koc, 2004 [species]
Phyllolabis kumpa Alexander, 1961 [species]
Phyllolabis lackschewitzi Alexander, 1961 [species]
Phyllolabis lagganensis Alexander, 1931 [species]
Phyllolabis latifolia Alexander, 1920 [species]
Phyllolabis laudata Alexander, 1936 [species]
Phyllolabis limboo Alexander, 1961 [species]
Phyllolabis lindneri Mannheims, 1959 [species]
Phyllolabis macroura Siebke, 1863 [species]
Phyllolabis mannheimsi Alexander, 1961 [species]
Phyllolabis mannheimsiana Nielsen, 1961 [species]
Phyllolabis mendli Podenas and Stary, 1997 [species]
Phyllolabis meridionalis Alexander, 1945 [species]
Phyllolabis moormi Alexander, 1961 [species]
Phyllolabis myriosticta Alexander, 1945 [species]
Phyllolabis nielseni Mannheims, 1959 [species]
Phyllolabis pallidivena Alexander, 1963 [species]
Phyllolabis peusi Alexander, 1961 [species]
Phyllolabis pictivena Alexander, 1932 [species]
Phyllolabis pubipennis Lackschewitz, 1940 [species]
Phyllolabis regelationis Alexander, 1953 [species]
Phyllolabis savtshenkoi Theowald, 1981 [species]
Phyllolabis seniorwhitei Alexander, 1961 [species]
Phyllolabis sequoiensis Alexander, 1945 [species]
Phyllolabis theowaldi Mannheims, 1959 [species]
Phyllolabis tjederi Savchenko, 1967 [species]
Phyllolabis vulpecula Alexander, 1936 [species]
Phyllolabis zionensis Alexander, 1948 [species]
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