Dicranota Zetterstedt, 1838 [subgenus]
Paradicranota Alexander, 1934 [subgenus]
Plectromyia Osten Sacken, 1869 [subgenus]
Rhaphidolabis Osten Sacken, 1869 [subgenus]
Dicranota aberrans Savchenko, 1980 [species]
Dicranota acuminata Mendl, 1972 [species]
Dicranota akshobya Alexander, 1963 [species]
Dicranota amatrix Alexander, 1965 [species]
Dicranota angulata Alexander, 1936 [species]
Dicranota angustistyla Alexander, 1940 [species]
Dicranota argentea Doane, 1900 [species]
Dicranota arjuna Alexander, 1964 [species]
Dicranota asignata Alexander, 1964 [species]
Dicranota astigma Alexander, 1954 [species]
Dicranota atripes Alexander, 1928 [species]
Dicranota auripontium Stary and Krzeminski, 1993 [species]
Dicranota avis Alexander, 1926 [species]
Dicranota babai Alexander, 1958 [species]
Dicranota balarama Alexander, 1961 [species]
Dicranota basistylata Alexander, 1958 [species]
Dicranota bernardinensis Alexander, 1966 [species]
Dicranota bicornigera Savchenko, 1978 [species]
Dicranota biloba Alexander, 1936 [species]
Dicranota bimaculata Schummel, 1829 [species]
Dicranota brachyneura Alexander, 1960 [species]
Dicranota brevicornis Bergroth, 1891 [species]
Dicranota brevitarsis Bergroth, 1891 [species]
Dicranota brunettii Edwards, 1916 [species]
Dicranota caesia Alexander, 1933 [species]
Dicranota candelisequa Stary, 1981 [species]
Dicranota capillata Lackschewitz, 1940 [species]
Dicranota carbo Starý, 1998 [species]
Dicranota cascadica Alexander, 1949 [species]
Dicranota catawbiensis Alexander, 1940 [species]
Dicranota cayuga Alexander, 1916 [species]
Dicranota cazieriana Alexander, 1944 [species]
Dicranota chorisa Alexander, 1967 [species]
Dicranota cinerascens Lackschewitz, 1940 [species]
Dicranota circipunctata Alexander, 1949 [species]
Dicranota claripennis Verrall, 1888 [species]
Dicranota clausa Alexander, 1938 [species]
Dicranota clementi Alexander, 1956 [species]
Dicranota commutata Savchenko, 1976 [species]
Dicranota complicata Savchenko, 1979 [species]
Dicranota concavista Savchenko, 1977 [species]
Dicranota confusa Alexander, 1924 [species]
Dicranota consimilis Mendl, 1987 [species]
Dicranota consors Alexander, 1923 [species]
Dicranota cosymbacantha Alexander, 1963 [species]
Dicranota crassicauda Tjeder, 1972 [species]
Dicranota currani Alexander, 1926 [species]
Dicranota delectata Alexander, 1930 [species]
Dicranota diacantha Alexander [species]
Dicranota dicranotoides Alexander, 1924 [species]
Dicranota dione Alexander, 1957 [species]
Dicranota diprion Alexander, 1964 [species]
Dicranota divaricata Alexander, 1925 [species]
Dicranota elegantula Brunetti, 1912 [species]
Dicranota emarginata Alexander, 1945 [species]
Dicranota engelmannia Alexander, 1943 [species]
Dicranota eucera Osten Sacken, 1869 [species]
Dicranota exclusa Walker, 1848 [species]
Dicranota fascipennis Brunetti, 1911 [species]
Dicranota fastuosa Alexander, 1963 [species]
Dicranota fenderi Alexander, 1954 [species]
Dicranota ferruginea Savchenko, 1983 [species]
Dicranota festa Alexander, 1966 [species]
Dicranota flammatra Stary, 1981 [species]
Dicranota flaveola Osten Sacken, 1869 [species]
Dicranota forceps Alexander, 1924 [species]
Dicranota fumicostata Alexander, 1935 [species]
Dicranota fumipennis Alexander, 1941 [species]
Dicranota furcistyla Alexander, 1954 [species]
Dicranota fuscipennis Lackschewitz, 1940 [species]
Dicranota garhwalensis Alexander, 1960 [species]
Dicranota gibbera Alexander, 1921 [species]
Dicranota gracilipes Wahlgren, 1905 [species]
Dicranota guerini Zetterstedt, 1838 [species]
Dicranota hickmanae Alexander, 1940 [species]
Dicranota hirtitergata Savchenko, 1979 [species]
Dicranota hoplomera Alexander, 1960 [species]
Dicranota hyalipennis Alexander, 1938 [species]
Dicranota idiopyga Alexander, 1953 [species]
Dicranota impotens Alexander, 1963 [species]
Dicranota incompleta Brunetti, 1912 [species]
Dicranota indica Brunetti, 1912 [species]
Dicranota indra Alexander, 1961 [species]
Dicranota integriloba Alexander, 1943 [species]
Dicranota iowa Alexander, 1920 [species]
Dicranota iranensis Alexander, 1975 [species]
Dicranota irregularis Pierre, 1922 [species]
Dicranota kaliya Alexander, 1963 [species]
Dicranota khumyarae Alexander, 1960 [species]
Dicranota kulshanensis Alexander, 1949 [species]
Dicranota lackschewitziana Mendl, 1988 [species]
Dicranota lacteipennis Alexander, 1961 [species]
Dicranota landrocki Czizek, 1931 [species]
Dicranota lassenensis Alexander, 1964 [species]
Dicranota laticollis Alexander, 1968 [species]
Dicranota longisector Alexander, 1960 [species]
Dicranota lucidipennis Edwards, 1921 [species]
Dicranota luteibasis Alexander, 1966 [species]
Dicranota luteola Alexander, 1938 [species]
Dicranota macracantha Alexander, 1947 [species]
Dicranota maculata Doane, 1900 [species]
Dicranota major Alexander, 1917 [species]
Dicranota mannheimsi Savchenko, 1972 [species]
Dicranota martinovskyi Stary, 1974 [species]
Dicranota megalops Alexander, 1945 [species]
Dicranota megaplagiata Alexander, 1933 [species]
Dicranota megomma Alexander, 1962 [species]
Dicranota melanoleuca Alexander, 1965 [species]
Dicranota mesasiatica Savchenko, 1973 [species]
Dicranota metaspectralis Alexander, 1965 [species]
Dicranota mexicana Alexander, 1946 [species]
Dicranota mikiana Lackschewitz, 1940 [species]
Dicranota minuta Lackschewitz, 1940 [species]
Dicranota modesta Osten Sacken, 1869 [species]
Dicranota neoconsors Alexander, 1938 [species]
Dicranota niphas Alexander, 1962 [species]
Dicranota nippoalpina Alexander, 1933 [species]
Dicranota nipponica Alexander, 1919 [species]
Dicranota notabilis Alexander, 1929 [species]
Dicranota notmani Alexander, 1942 [species]
Dicranota noveboracensis Alexander, 1914 [species]
Dicranota nubecula Alexander, 1933 [species]
Dicranota nuptialis Alexander, 1948 [species]
Dicranota obesistyla Alexander, 1960 [species]
Dicranota ompoana Alexander, 1945 [species]
Dicranota ontakensis Alexander, 1947 [species]
Dicranota ophidia Alexander, 1975 [species]
Dicranota pallens Lackschewitz, 1940 [species]
Dicranota pallida Alexander, 1914 [species]
Dicranota pallidipes Alexander, 1933 [species]
Dicranota pallidithorax Alexander, 1935 [species]
Dicranota paraconsors Alexander, 1955 [species]
Dicranota paraspectralis Alexander, 1964 [species]
Dicranota parvella Alexander, 1954 [species]
Dicranota parviuncinata Savchenko, 1983 [species]
Dicranota pavida Haliday, 1833 [species]
Dicranota perdistincta Alexander, 1940 [species]
Dicranota perelegantula Alexander, 1950 [species]
Dicranota perlongiseta Alexander, 1966 [species]
Dicranota perpallida Alexander, 1965 [species]
Dicranota perproducta Alexander, 1965 [species]
Dicranota persessilis Alexander, 1954 [species]
Dicranota persimilis Alexander, 1920 [species]
Dicranota petiolata Alexander, 1920 [species]
Dicranota phantasma Alexander, 1950 [species]
Dicranota plana Alexander, 1934 [species]
Dicranota platymera Alexander, 1934 [species]
Dicranota polaris Riedel, 1919 [species]
Dicranota polymera Alexander, 1933 [species]
Dicranota polymeroides Alexander, 1914 [species]
Dicranota praecisa Alexander, 1938 [species]
Dicranota pretiosa Alexander, 1963 [species]
Dicranota princeps Alexander, 1950 [species]
Dicranota pristis Alexander, 1964 [species]
Dicranota profunda Alexander, 1950 [species]
Dicranota punctipennis Edwards, 1928 [species]
Dicranota quadrihamata Savchenko, 1977 [species]
Dicranota querula Alexander, 1944 [species]
Dicranota radialis Alexander, 1941 [species]
Dicranota rainierensis Alexander, 1968 [species]
Dicranota reitteri Mik, 1882 [species]
Dicranota reticularis Alexander, 1960 [species]
Dicranota retrorsa Savchenko, 1972 [species]
Dicranota rhododendri Alexander, 1966 [species]
Dicranota rivularis Osten Sacken, 1859 [species]
Dicranota robusta Lundstrom, 1912 [species]
Dicranota rogersiana Alexander, 1925 [species]
Dicranota rorida Lackschewitz, 1940 [species]
Dicranota rostrata Mendl, 1987 [species]
Dicranota rostrifera Alexander, 1946 [species]
Dicranota rubescens Alexander, 1916 [species]
Dicranota ruficornis Schummel, 1829 [species]
Dicranota sanctaeluciae Alexander, 1964 [species]
Dicranota schistacea Lackschewitz, 1940 [species]
Dicranota separata Alexander, 1969 [species]
Dicranota serrulifera Alexander, 1950 [species]
Dicranota sessilis Alexander, 1917 [species]
Dicranota setulifera Alexander, 1950 [species]
Dicranota shushna Alexander, 1961 [species]
Dicranota sibirica [species]
D. s. immaculata, D. s. nebulipennis, D. s. pallidicosta, D. s. sibirica
Dicranota sicaria Alexander, 1947 [species]
Dicranota simplex Alexander, 1938 [species]
Dicranota simulans Lackschewitz, 1940 [species]
Dicranota sinoalpina Alexander, 1933 [species]
Dicranota sordida Brunetti, 1911 [species]
Dicranota spectralis Brunetti, 1918 [species]
Dicranota spina Alexander, 1933 [species]
Dicranota spiralis Savchenko, 1980 [species]
Dicranota squarrosa Savchenko, 1976 [species]
Dicranota stainsi Alexander, 1948 [species]
Dicranota stenomera Alexander, 1966 [species]
Dicranota stenostyla Alexander, 1963 [species]
Dicranota stigma Alexander, 1924 [species]
Dicranota strepens Alexander, 1960 [species]
Dicranota subapterogyne Alexander, 1943 [species]
Dicranota subconsors Alexander, 1924 [species]
Dicranota subflammatra Starý, 1998 [species]
Dicranota subreticularis Alexander, 1964 [species]
Dicranota subsessilis Alexander, 1921 [species]
Dicranota subsordida Alexander, 1935 [species]
Dicranota subspectralis Alexander, 1960 [species]
Dicranota subtilis Loew, 1871 [species]
Dicranota subtumidosa Alexander, 1968 [species]
Dicranota tashepa Alexander, 1966 [species]
Dicranota tehama Alexander, 1950 [species]
Dicranota tenuipes Osten Sacken, 1869 [species]
Dicranota tergata Alexander, 1926 [species]
Dicranota tetonicola Alexander, 1945 [species]
Dicranota tigriventris Alexander, 1967 [species]
Dicranota townesi Alexander, 1940 [species]
Dicranota trichoneura Alexander, 1960 [species]
Dicranota trichopyga Alexander, 1966 [species]
Dicranota trifurcata Edwards, 1928 [species]
Dicranota trilobulata Alexander, 1958 [species]
Dicranota tuberculata Alexander, 1936 [species]
Dicranota tumidosa Alexander, 1960 [species]
Dicranota unilobata Alexander, 1964 [species]
Dicranota uninebulosa Alexander, 1935 [species]
Dicranota uniplagia Alexander, 1954 [species]
Dicranota vajra Alexander, 1961 [species]
Dicranota vanduzeei Alexander, 1930 [species]
Dicranota vishnu Alexander, 1963 [species]
Dicranota vritra Alexander, 1961 [species]
Dicranota xanthosoma Alexander, 1944 [species]
Dicranota yanoana Alexander, 1958 [species]
Dicranota yonahlossee Alexander, 1941 [species]
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