This taxon marks on the maps Scatopsidae: 2
Subfamilies: 4 (1 illustrated). Tribes: 2 (1 illustrated). Genera: 32 (1 illustrated). Species.
Cooka [genus]
Cooka aterrima, Cooka incisa, Cooka iowensis, Cooka melanderi, Cooka similis, Cooka teskeyi
Lumpuria [genus]
Lumpuria brancuccii, Lumpuria flavicornis, Lumpuria intermedia, Lumpuria prima, Lumpuria ultima
Thripomorpha [genus]
Thripomorpha asiatica, Thripomorpha bifida, Thripomorpha chaboti, Thripomorpha cooki, Thripomorpha coxendix, Thripomorpha freyi, Thripomorpha haennii, Thripomorpha halteratum, Thripomorpha matilei, Thripomorpha paludicola, Thripomorpha verralli, Thripomorpha vockerothi
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