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Subfamily Therevinae

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Diptera suborder Brachycera infraorder Muscomorpha family Therevidae → subfamily Therevinae



Daughter taxa

Genera: 33 (3 illustrated). Species.

Thereva [genus]

Thereva affinis, Thereva albibarba, Thereva albohirta, Thereva albopilosa, Thereva albovittata, Thereva analis, Thereva apicalis, Thereva argenteolanata, Thereva atra, Thereva atripes, Thereva aurantiaca, Thereva aurata, Thereva aureomaculata, Thereva aureoscutellata, Thereva aurofasciata, Thereva bakeri, Thereva bequaerti, Thereva bicinctella, Thereva bicolor, Thereva bilineata, Thereva binotata, Thereva biroi, Thereva brevicornis, Thereva brunettii, Thereva brunnea, Thereva brunninervis, Thereva callosa, Thereva canescens, Thereva capensis, Thereva caucasica, Thereva chillaloensis, Thereva chrysargyra, Thereva cincta, Thereva cingulata, Thereva cinifera, Thereva circumscripta, Thereva clamonae, Thereva claripennis, Thereva colorado, Thereva comata, Thereva concavifrons, Thereva conformis, Thereva confusa, Thereva congoensis, Thereva conica, Thereva cordata, Thereva corinneae, Thereva corpulenta, Thereva curta, Thereva curticornis, Thereva decipiens, Thereva dejecta, Thereva discreta, Thereva diversa, Thereva duplicis, Thereva eggeri, Thereva egressa, Thereva elizabethae, Thereva femoralis, Thereva fenestrata, Thereva flavescens, Thereva flavicauda, Thereva flavicincta, Thereva flavicornis, Thereva flavipennis, Thereva flavipes, Thereva flavipilosa, Thereva flaviventris, Thereva flavohirta, Thereva flavolineata, Thereva flavopilosa, Thereva foxi, Thereva frontalis, Thereva frontosa, Thereva fucata, Thereva fucatoides, Thereva fulva, Thereva fulvibarba, Thereva fulvicornis, Thereva fulvipennis, Thereva funebris, Thereva fuscinervis, Thereva glabra, Thereva glauca, Thereva glaucescens, Thereva globulicornis, Thereva gomerae, Thereva graeca, Thereva grancanariensis, Thereva grisea, Thereva grisescens, Thereva gruenbergi, Thereva handlirschi, Thereva hermanni, Thereva hilarimorpha, Thereva hinu, Thereva hirta, Thereva hirticeps, Thereva hispanica, Thereva hyalina, Thereva hyalipennis, Thereva inconspicus, Thereva indica, Thereva innotata, Thereva innotatus, Thereva inornata, Thereva insularis, Thereva intermedia, Thereva ishikariana, Thereva johnsoni, Thereva kempi, Thereva krafti, Thereva kristinae, Thereva lanata, Thereva laufferi, Thereva leucosoma, Thereva luteiventris, Thereva macdunnoughi, Thereva macedonica, Thereva macularis, Thereva maculicornis, Thereva maculipennis, Thereva major, Thereva manchoulensis, Thereva marginula, Thereva marmorata, Thereva microcephala, Thereva mirabilis, Thereva misellus, Thereva monticola, Thereva natalensis, Thereva nebulosa, Thereva neglecta, Thereva nelsoni, Thereva neomexicana, Thereva nervosa, Thereva nigrifrons, Thereva nigripilosa, Thereva nitida, Thereva nitidifrons, Thereva nivaria, Thereva niveipennis, Thereva nobilitata, Thereva nova, Thereva nudifemorata, Thereva nudotermina, Thereva obscuripes, Thereva obtecta, Thereva occidentalis, Thereva occulta, Thereva oculata, Thereva opaca, Thereva ordubadica, Thereva orientalis, Thereva ornata, Thereva pallipes, Thereva panotshinii, Thereva persequa, Thereva pilifrons, Thereva plebeja, Thereva porrectifrons, Thereva powelli, Thereva praecedens, Thereva praecox, Thereva pseudoculata, Thereva punctipennis, Thereva quinquevittatum, Thereva reclusa, Thereva rhomboidalis, Thereva robusta, Thereva rossica, Thereva ruficornis, Thereva rufiventris, Thereva rustica, Thereva satanas, Thereva schlingeri, Thereva seminitida, Thereva semirufa, Thereva singula, Thereva smithae, Thereva sobrina, Thereva speculiferum, Thereva spiloptera, Thereva spinulosa, Thereva stigmatica, Thereva strigata, Thereva strigipes, Thereva stuckenbergi, Thereva subfulva, Thereva subnitida, Thereva suifenensis, Thereva teydea, Thereva tomentosa, Thereva tricolor, Thereva tristis, Thereva tuberculata, Thereva tuberculifrons, Thereva turneri, Thereva unica, Thereva unicolor, Thereva ustulata, Thereva utahensis, Thereva valida, Thereva variabilis, Thereva varians, Thereva varicincta, Thereva varipes, Thereva venosa, Thereva venusta, Thereva webbi, Thereva ziegleri

Viriliricta [genus]

Therevinae photos with superspecies identification

If you know the species, please, click on the picture and write the species name in Comments section. Also, you can go to the gallery page with all photos of Therevinae sp. (large size), and suggest the identification.

Therevinae sp.


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