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Genus Acrocera

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Diptera suborder Brachycera infraorder Muscomorpha family Acroceridae subfamily Acrocerinae → genus Acrocera


Daughter taxa

Acrocera Meigen, 1803 [subgenus]

Acrocera orbiculus

Acrocera altaica Pleske, 1930 [species]

Acrocera arizonensis Cole, 1919 [species]

Acrocera ashleyi Barraclough, 2000 [species]

Acrocera bacchulus Frey, 1936 [species]

Acrocera bakeri Coquillett, 1904 [species]

Acrocera bicolor Macquart, 1846 [species]

Acrocera bimaculata Loew, 1866 [species]

Acrocera borealis Zetterstedt, 1838 [species]

Acrocera brasiliensis Gil Collado, 1928 [species]

Acrocera bucharica Nartshuk, 1982 [species]

Acrocera bulla Westwood, 1848 [species]

Acrocera chiiensis Ouchi, 1942 [species]

Acrocera convexa Cole, 1919 [species]

Acrocera fasciata Wiedemann, 1830 [species]

Acrocera flaveola Sabrosky, 1944 [species]

Acrocera fumipennis Westwood, 1848 [species]

Acrocera honorati Bréthes, 1925 [species]

Acrocera infurcata Brunetti, 1926 [species]

Acrocera kaszabi Majer, 1977 [species]

Acrocera khamensis Pleske, 1930 [species]

Acrocera laeta Gerstacker, 1856 [species]

Acrocera lindneri Sabrosky, 1954 [species]

Acrocera londti Barraclough, 1984 [species]

Acrocera manevali Seguy, 1926 [species]

Acrocera melanderi Cole, 1919 [species]

Acrocera melanogaster Schlinger, 1961 [species]

Acrocera minuscula Seguy, 1934 [species]

Acrocera mongolica Pleske, 1930 [species]

Acrocera natalensis Schlinger, 1960 [species]

Acrocera nigrina Westwood, 1848 [species]

Acrocera obnubila Nartshuk, 1979 [species]

Acrocera obsoleta Wulp, 1867 [species]

Acrocera orbicula Fabricius, 1787 [species]

Acrocera paitana Seguy, 1956 [species]

Acrocera pallidivena Schlinger, 1960 [species]

Acrocera plebeia Brunetti, 1926 [species]

Acrocera prima Meijere, 1914 [species]

Acrocera rhodesiensis Schlinger, 1960 [species]

Acrocera sordida Pleske, 1930 [species]

Acrocera stanburyi Johnson, 1923 [species]

Acrocera stansburyi Johnson, 1923 [species]

Acrocera subfasciata Westwood, 1848 [species]

Acrocera tarsalis Nartshuk, 1975 [species]

Acrocera transbaicalica Pleske, 1930 [species]

Acrocera trifasciata Pleske, 1930 [species]

Acrocera turneri Schlinger, 1960 [species]

Acrocera unguiculata Westwood, 1848 [species]

Acrocera vansoni Schlinger, 1960 [species]


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