Asyndetus aciliatus Grootaert & Meuffels, 2003 [species]
Asyndetus acuticornis de Meijere, 1913 [species]
Asyndetus albifacies Parent, 1929 [species]
Asyndetus albifrons Parent, 1929 [species]
Asyndetus albipalpus Loew, 1871 [species]
Asyndetus amaphinius Seguy, 1950 [species]
Asyndetus ammophilus Loew, 1869 [species]
Asyndetus appendiculatus Loew, 1869 [species]
Asyndetus archboldi Robinson & Deyrup, 1997 [species]
Asyndetus aurocupreus Strobl, 1909 [species]
Asyndetus barbiventris Stackelberg, 1952 [species]
Asyndetus beijingensis Zhang & Yang, 2003 [species]
Asyndetus bredini Robinson, 1975 [species]
Asyndetus brevimanus Van Duzee, 1923 [species]
Asyndetus bursericola Bickel & Sinclair, 1997 [species]
Asyndetus calcaratus Becker, 1922 [species]
Asyndetus carcinophilus Parent [species]
Asyndetus caudatus Van Duzee, 1916 [species]
Asyndetus cavagnaroi Bickel & Sinclair, 1997 [species]
Asyndetus ciliatus Grootaert & Meuffels, 2003 [species]
Asyndetus connexus Becker, 1902 [species]
Asyndetus cornutus Van Duzee, 1916 [species]
Asyndetus crassipodus Harmston, 1968 [species]
Asyndetus crassitarsis Curran, 1926 [species]
Asyndetus currani Van Duzee, 1931 [species]
Asyndetus decaryi Parent, 1929 [species]
Asyndetus deficiens Robinson, 1975 [species]
Asyndetus diaphoriformis Negrobov & Shamshev, 1986 [species]
Asyndetus disjunctus Van Duzee, 1923 [species]
Asyndetus dominicensis Robinson, 1975 [species]
Asyndetus dubius Parent, 1925 [species]
Asyndetus eurytarsus Meuffels & Grootaert, 1993 [species]
Asyndetus exactus Walker, 1859 [species]
Asyndetus exiguus Van Duzee, 1927 [species]
Asyndetus exunguis Parent, 1927 [species]
Asyndetus flavipalpus Van Duzee, 1932 [species]
Asyndetus flavitibialis Van Duzee, 1929 [species]
Asyndetus fratellus Aldrich, 1896 [species]
Asyndetus geminus Becker, 1922 [species]
Asyndetus guangxiensis Zhang & Yang, 2003 [species]
Asyndetus harbeckii Van Duzee, 1914 [species]
Asyndetus hardyi Robinson, 1964 [species]
Asyndetus indifferens Curran, 1926 [species]
Asyndetus inermis Parent, 1927 [species]
Asyndetus infernus Bickel, 1996 [species]
Asyndetus intermedius Meuffels & Grootaert, 1993 [species]
Asyndetus interruptus Loew, 1861 [species]
Asyndetus izius Negrobov, 1973 [species]
Asyndetus johnsoni Van Duzee, 1916 [species]
Asyndetus latifrons Loew, 1857 [species]
Asyndetus latus Van Duzee, 1916 [species]
Asyndetus lii Wang & Yang, 2005 [species]
Asyndetus lineatus Meijere, 1916 [species]
Asyndetus longicornis Negrobov, 1973 [species]
Asyndetus longipalpis Van Duzee, 1919 [species]
Asyndetus maelfaiti Bickel & Sinclair, 1997 [species]
Asyndetus melanopselaphus Stackelberg, 1952 [species]
Asyndetus minutus Negrobov & Shamshev, 1986 [species]
Asyndetus mixtus Negrobov & Shamshev, 1986 [species]
Asyndetus mutatus Becker, 1922 [species]
Asyndetus mystacinus Bickel & Sinclair, 1997 [species]
Asyndetus negrobovi Parvu, 1989 [species]
Asyndetus nevadensis Harmston, 1968 [species]
Asyndetus nigripes Van Duzee, 1916 [species]
Asyndetus obscurus Meuffels & Grootaert, 1993 [species]
Asyndetus occidentalis Van Duzee, 1919 [species]
Asyndetus oregonensis Harmston, 1966 [species]
Asyndetus parvicornis Van Duzee, 1932 [species]
Asyndetus perpulvillatus Parent, 1926 [species]
Asyndetus pogonops Robinson, 1975 [species]
Asyndetus ridiculus Parent, 1931 [species]
Asyndetus scopifer Harmston, 1952 [species]
Asyndetus secundus Bickel, 1996 [species]
Asyndetus semarangensis Dyte, 1975 [species]
Asyndetus separatus Becker, 1902 [species]
Asyndetus severini Harmston and Knowlton, 1939 [species]
Asyndetus singularis Van Duzee, 1923 [species]
Asyndetus spinitarsis Harmston, 1951 [species]
Asyndetus spinosus Van Duzee, 1925 [species]
Asyndetus syntormoides Wheeler, 1899 [species]
Asyndetus terminalis Van Duzee, 1923 [species]
Asyndetus texanus Van Duzee, 1916 [species]
Asyndetus thaicus Grootaert & Meuffels, 2003 [species]
Asyndetus tibialis Thomson, 1869 [species]
Asyndetus transversalis Becker, 1907 [species]
Asyndetus tristis Parent, 1935 [species]
Asyndetus utahensis Harmston and Knowlton, 1942 [species]
Asyndetus varus Loew, 1869 [species]
Asyndetus ventralis Wang, Yang & Masunaga, 2007 [species]
Asyndetus versicolor Johnson, 1924 [species]
Asyndetus vicinus Meuffels & Grootaert, 1993 [species]
Asyndetus virgatus Curran, 1926 [species]
Asyndetus vividus Negrobov & Shamshev, 1986 [species]
Asyndetus wigginsi Bickel & Sinclair, 1997 [species]
Asyndetus wirthi Robinson, 1997 [species]
Asyndetus wusuensis Wang & Yang, 2005 [species]
Asyndetus xinjiangensis Wang & Yang, 2005 [species]
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