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Genus Physocephala

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Diptera suborder Brachycera infraorder Muscomorpha family Conopidae subfamily Conopinae tribe Physocephalini → genus Physocephala



Daughter taxa

Physocephala abyssinica Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala acroschista Speiser, 1911 [species]

Physocephala albofasciata Brunetti, 1912 [species]

Physocephala albotomentosa Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala annulifera Brunetti, 1912 [species]

Physocephala antiqua Wiedemann, 1830 [species]

Physocephala argentifera Brunetti, 1923 [species]

Physocephala assamensis Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala aterrima Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala atricornis Brunetti, 1923 [species]

Physocephala atronota Camras, 2001 [species]

Physocephala aurantiaca Brunetti, 1923 [species]

Physocephala aureopygia Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala aureotomentosa Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala aurifrons Walker, 1849 [species]

Physocephala australiana Camras, 1961 [species]

Physocephala bennetti Camras, 1996 [species]

Physocephala bequaertortum Camras, 1962 [species]

Physocephala bicolor Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala biguttata Roeder, 1883 [species]

Physocephala bimarginipennis Karsch, 1887 [species]

Physocephala bipartita Doleschall, 1858 [species]

Physocephala bipunctata Macquart, 1843 [species]

Physocephala braunsi Krober, 1931 [species]

Physocephala brevipennis Camras, 1962 [species]

Physocephala brevistylata Krober, 1931 [species]

Physocephala brunnipes Krober, 1927 [species]

Physocephala burgessi Williston, 1882 [species]

Physocephala calopa Bigot, 1887 [species]

Physocephala carbonaria Bigot, 1887 [species]

Physocephala cayennensis Macquart, 1843 [species]

Physocephala chalantungensis Ouchi, 1939 [species]

Physocephala chekiangensis Ouchi, 1939 [species]

Physocephala chiahensis Ouchi, 1939 [species]

Physocephala chrysorrhoea Meigen, 1824 [species]

Physocephala claripennis Becker, 1922 [species]

Physocephala confusa Stuke, 2006 [species]

Physocephala curticornis Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala diffusa Brunetti, 1923 [species]

Physocephala dimidiata Walker, 1853 [species]

Physocephala dimidiatipennis Sichel, 1862 [species]

Physocephala elongata Camras, 1960 [species]

Physocephala emiliae Zimina, 1974 [species]

Physocephala ethiopica Camras, 1962 [species]

Physocephala floridana Camras, 1957 [species]

Physocephala frontalis Szilady, 1926 [species]

Physocephala fumivena Camras, 2001 [species]

Physocephala fumosa Camras, 1957 [species]

Physocephala furax Becker, 1913 [species]

Physocephala furcillata Williston, 1882 [species]

Physocephala gigas Macquart, 1843 [species]

Physocephala gracilis Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala halterata Brunetti, 1925 [species]

Physocephala herrerai Stuke & Skevington, 2007 [species]

Physocephala inconsequens Brunetti, 1927 [species]

Physocephala inhabilis Walker, 1849 [species]

Physocephala jakutica Zimina, 1968 [species]

Physocephala lacera Meigen, 1824 [species]

Physocephala laeta Becker, 1913 [species]

Physocephala larvata Speiser, 1911 [species]

Physocephala laticincta Brullé, 1833 [species]

Physocephala limbipennis Meijere, 1910 [species]

Physocephala lineifrons Camras, 1962 [species]

Physocephala longicornis Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala longitheca Camras, 2001 [species]

Physocephala lugens Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1863 [species]

Physocephala lugubris Macquart, 1835 [species]

Physocephala maculifacies Camras, 2001 [species]

Physocephala maculigera Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala maculipes Bigot, 1887 [species]

Physocephala madagascariensis Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala marginata Say, 1823 [species]

Physocephala maxima Giglio-Tos, 1893 [species]

Physocephala melana Camras, 1960 [species]

Physocephala minuta Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala minutissima Krober, 1933 [species]

Physocephala munda Brunetti, 1912 [species]

Physocephala nervosa Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala nigerrima Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala nigra De Geer, 1776 [species]

Physocephala nigricoxa Brunetti, 1925 [species]

Physocephala nigripennis Stuke, 2006 [species]

Physocephala nigrofasciata Brunetti, 1912 [species]

Physocephala nigrotestacea Macquart, 1851 [species]

Physocephala nursei Brunetti, 1923 [species]

Physocephala obscurifacies Krober, 1924 [species]

Physocephala paralleliventris Krober, 1940 [species]

Physocephala philippnensis Krober, 1927 [species]

Physocephala picipes Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala pielina Chen, 1939 [species]

Physocephala punctum Bigot, 1887 [species]

Physocephala pusilla Meigen, 1824 [species]

Physocephala reducta Chen, 1939 [species]

Physocephala renschi Krober, 1930 [species]

Physocephala rufescens Brunetti, 1923 [species]

Physocephala ruficoxa Krober, 1933 [species]

Physocephala rufifrons Camras, 1960 [species]

Physocephala rufipes Fabricius, 1781 [species]

Physocephala rufithorax Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala rufohalterata Brunetti, 1927 [species]

Physocephala sabroskyi Camras, 1996 [species]

Physocephala sagittaria Say, 1823 [species]

Physocephala sauteri Krober, 1913 [species]

Physocephala scutellata Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala segethi Rondani, 1863 [species]

Physocephala sericea Olivier, 1791 [species]

Physocephala similis Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala simplex Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala sinensis Krober, 1933 [species]

Physocephala soror Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala sororcula Williston, 1892 [species]

Physocephala spheniformis Camras, 1957 [species]

Physocephala sumatrensis Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala tenella Bigot, 1887 [species]

Physocephala testacea Macquart, 1843 [species]

Physocephala texana Williston, 1882 [species]

Physocephala theca Camras, 1960 [species]

Physocephala thecala Camras, 1957 [species]

Physocephala tibialis Say, 1829 [species]

Physocephala truncata Loew, 1847 [species]

Physocephala ugandae Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala unicolor Krober, 1915 [species]

Physocephala vaginalis Rondani, 1865 [species]

Physocephala variegata Meigen, 1824 [species]

Physocephala venusta Parsons, 1940 [species]

Physocephala vittata Fabricius, 1794 [species]

Physocephala wegneri Camras, 1957 [species]

Physocephala wulpi Camras, 1996 [species]

Physocephala zaitzevi Zimina, 1979 [species]


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