Nostima abbreviata Cresson, 1941 [species]
Nostima abdominalis Canzoneri & Meneghini, 1969 [species]
Nostima approximata Sturtevant and Wheeler, 1954 [species]
Nostima atriscuta Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima canens Cresson, 1941 [species]
Nostima carinata Canzoneri & Raffone, 1987 [species]
Nostima cinnamea Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima danielssoni Canzoneri & Meneghini, 1985 [species]
Nostima duaguttata Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima duoseta Cresson, 1943 [species]
Nostima elegantula Hendel, 1930 [species]
Nostima flavida Cresson, 1947 [species]
Nostima flavitarsis Canzoneri & Meneghini, 1969 [species]
Nostima footei Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima franciscana Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima gilvipes Coquillett, 1900 [species]
Nostima giovannolii Wirth, 1956 [species]
Nostima ilytheoides Cresson, 1941 [species]
Nostima kiwistriata Edmiston & Mathis, 2007 [species]
Nostima kondembaiensis Canzoneri, 1986 [species]
Nostima lineata Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima lucida Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima lutea Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima maculata Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima magnifica Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima melina Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima monticola Malloch, 1933 [species]
Nostima negramaculata Edmiston & Mathis, 2007 [species]
Nostima negruzca Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima nigripes Strobl, 1880 [species]
Nostima nigrofemorata Canzoneri & Rampini, 1994 [species]
Nostima nitidigaster Cresson, 1947 [species]
Nostima niveivenosa Cresson, 1930 [species]
Nostima niveofasciata Cresson, 1947 [species]
Nostima occidentalis Sturtevant and Wheeler, 1954 [species]
Nostima pulchra Williston, 1896 [species]
Nostima quinquenotata Cresson, 1930 [species]
Nostima schildi Cresson, 1941 [species]
Nostima scutellaris Cresson, 1933 [species]
Nostima semialata Collin, 1913 [species]
Nostima simuliflavida Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima slossonae Coquillett, 1900 [species]
Nostima spilogaster Cresson, 1947 [species]
Nostima spinosa Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima stellata Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima striata Lamb, 1912 [species]
Nostima tresguttata Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima velutina Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima verisifrons Miyagi, 1977 [species]
Nostima versifrons Miyagi, 1977 [species]
Nostima williamsi Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima xenohypopia Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima xenoptera Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
Nostima ypsilona Edmiston & Mathis, 2005 [species]
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