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Genus Ephydra

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Diptera suborder Brachycera infraorder Muscomorpha family Ephydridae subfamily Ephydrinae tribe Ephydrini → genus Ephydra



Daughter taxa

Ephydra acrostichalis Malloch, 1925 [species]

Ephydra acutata Hu & Yang, 2002 [species]

Ephydra afghanica Dahl, 1961 [species]

Ephydra alandica Frey, 1909 [species]

Ephydra annulata Macquart, 1843 [species]

Ephydra attica Becker, 1896 [species]

Ephydra auripes Aldrich, 1912 [species]

Ephydra basilaris Waltl, 1837 [species]

Ephydra bivittata Loew, 1860 [species]

Ephydra breva Hu & Yang, 2002 [species]

Ephydra brevis Walker, 1858 [species]

Ephydra bruesi Cresson, 1934 [species]

Ephydra currani Wirth, 1971 [species]

Ephydra dorsala Hu & Yang, 2002 [species]

Ephydra flavipes Macquart, 1843 [species]

Ephydra glauca Meigen, 1830 [species]

Ephydra goedeni Wirth, 1971 [species]

Ephydra gracilis Packard, 1871 [species]

Ephydra heijingensis Hu & Yang, 2002 [species]

Ephydra hejingensis Hu & Yang, 2002 [species]

Ephydra hians Say, 1830 [species]

Ephydra japonica Miyagi, 1966 [species]

Ephydra lata Walker, 1858 [species]

Ephydra macellaria Egger, 1862 [species]

E. m. alandica, E. m. macellaria

Ephydra magadiensis Wirth, 1975 [species]

Ephydra mexicana Cresson, 1934 [species]

Ephydra millbrae Jones, 1906 [species]

Ephydra murina Wirth, 1975 [species]

Ephydra nana Walker, 1858 [species]

Ephydra niveiceps Cresson, 1916 [species]

Ephydra obscuripes Loew, 1866 [species]

Ephydra ochrostoma Brullé, 1833 [species]

Ephydra opaca Loew, 1856 [species]

Ephydra orichalcea Gimmerthal, 1847 [species]

Ephydra packardi Wirth, 1971 [species]

Ephydra pectinulata Cresson, 1916 [species]

Ephydra pseudomurina Krivosheina, 1983 [species]

Ephydra riparia Fallen, 1813 [species]

Ephydra scholtzi Becker, 1896 [species]

Ephydra shalatinensis El-Moursy, Negm, El-Hawagry & Ebrahim, 2006 [species]

Ephydra stuckenbergi Wirth, 1975 [species]

Ephydra subopaca Loew, 1864 [species]

Ephydra thermophila Cresson, 1934 [species]

Ephydra tibetensis Cresson, 1934 [species]

Ephydra urmiana Günther, 1899 [species]

Ephydra usingeri Wirth, 1976 [species]

Ephydra yangi Hu & Yang, 2002 [species]


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