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Genus Triepeolus

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Hymenoptera suborder Apocrita infraorder Aculeata superfamily Apoidea family Apidae subfamily Nomadinae tribe Epeolini → genus Triepeolus Robertson, 1901


Daughter taxa

Triepeolus aguilari Moure, 1955 [species]

Triepeolus alvarengai Moure, 1955 [species]

Triepeolus ancoratus Cockerell, 1916 [species]

Triepeolus antiguensis Cockerell, 1949 [species]

Triepeolus antiochensis Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus argentimus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus argus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus argyreus Cockerell, 1907 [species]

Triepeolus atoconganus Moure, 1955 [species]

Triepeolus atripes Mitchell, 1962 [species]

Triepeolus aztecus Cresson, 1878 [species]

Triepeolus balteatus Cockerell, 1921 [species]

Triepeolus bihamatus Cockerell, 1907 [species]

Triepeolus bilineatus Cockerell, 1949 [species]

Triepeolus bilunatus Cockerell, 1949 [species]

Triepeolus bimorulus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus blaisdelli Cockerell & Sandhouse, 1924 [species]

Triepeolus brittaini Cockerell, 1931 [species]

Triepeolus brunnescens Cockerell & Sandhouse, 1924 [species]

Triepeolus buchwaldi Friese, 1908 [species]

Triepeolus californicus Cresson, 1878 [species]

Triepeolus callopus Cockerell, 1905 [species]

Triepeolus cameroni Meade-Waldo, 1913 [species]

Triepeolus charlesi Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus circumculus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus claytoni Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus concavus Cresson, 1878 [species]

Triepeolus cressonii Robertson, 1897 [species]

Triepeolus cruciformis Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus cuabitensis Genaro, 1999 [species]

Triepeolus cuneatus Cockerell, 1917 [species]

Triepeolus custeri Cockerell, 1926 [species]

Triepeolus cyclurus Cockerell, 1923 [species]

Triepeolus dacotensis Stevens, 1919 [species]

Triepeolus denverensis Cockerell, 1910 [species]

Triepeolus diffusus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus dilutus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus distinctus Cresson, 1878 [species]

Triepeolus diversipes Cockerell, 1924 [species]

Triepeolus donatus Smith, 1854 [species]

Triepeolus edwardi Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus eldoradensis Cockerell, 1910 [species]

Triepeolus engeli Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus epeolurus Rightmyer, 2004 [species]

Triepeolus exilicurvus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus flavigradus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus flavipennis Friese, 1917 [species]

Triepeolus fraserae Cockerell, 1904 [species]

Triepeolus fulgidus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus georgicus Mitchell, 1962 [species]

Triepeolus grandis Friese, 1917 [species]

Triepeolus grindeliae Cockerell, 1907 [species]

Triepeolus griswoldi Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus haematurus Cockerell & Sandhouse, 1924 [species]

Triepeolus helianthi Robertson, 1897 [species]

Triepeolus hopkinsi Cockerell, 1905 [species]

Triepeolus interruptus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus intrepidus Smith, 1879 [species]

Triepeolus inyoensis Cockerell & Sandhouse, 1924 [species]

Triepeolus isocomae Cockerell, 1904 [species]

Triepeolus isohedrus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus jennieae Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus joliae Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus junctus Mitchell, 1962 [species]

Triepeolus kathrynae Rozen, 1989 [species]

Triepeolus lateralis Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus laticaudus Cockerell, 1921 [species]

Triepeolus laticeps Friese, 1917 [species]

Triepeolus lectiformis Cockerell, 1925 [species]

Triepeolus loomisorum Rozen, 1989 [species]

Triepeolus lunatus Say, 1824 [species]

Triepeolus lusor Cockerell, 1925 [species]

Triepeolus margaretae Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus martini Cockerell, 1900 [species]

Triepeolus mauropygus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus medusa Cockerell, 1917 [species]

Triepeolus melanarius Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus mensae Cockerell, 1924 [species]

Triepeolus metatarsalis Friese, 1921 [species]

Triepeolus mexicanus Cresson, 1878 [species]

Triepeolus micheneri Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus michiganensis Mitchell, 1962 [species]

Triepeolus micropygius Robertson, 1903 [species]

Triepeolus mitchelli Hurd, 1979 [species]

Triepeolus mojavensis Linsley, 1939 [species]

Triepeolus monardae Mitchell, 1962 [species]

Triepeolus nayaritensis Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus nemoralis Holmberg, 1886 [species]

Triepeolus nevadensis Cresson, 1878 [species]

Triepeolus nigrihirtus Mitchell, 1962 [species]

Triepeolus nisibonensis Genaro, 2001 [species]

Triepeolus norae Cockerell, 1907 [species]

Triepeolus obliteratus Graenicher, 1911 [species]

Triepeolus occidentalis Cresson, 1878 [species]

Triepeolus osiriformis Schrottky, 1910 [species]

Triepeolus pacis Cockerell, 1925 [species]

Triepeolus paenepectoralis Viereck, 1905 [species]

Triepeolus parkeri Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus partitus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus parvidiversipes Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus parvus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus pectoralis Robertson, 1897 [species]

Triepeolus penicilliferus Brues, 1903 [species]

Triepeolus permixtus Cockerell, 1923 [species]

Triepeolus perpictus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus phaeopygus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus pomonalis Cockerell, 1916 [species]

Triepeolus punctoclypeus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus quadratus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus quadrifasciatus Say, 1823 [species]

T. q. atlanticus, T. q. quadrifasciatus

Triepeolus remigatus Fabricius, 1804 [species]

Triepeolus rhododontus Cockerell, 1921 [species]

Triepeolus robustus Cresson, 1878 [species]

Triepeolus rohweri Cockerell, 1911 [species]

Triepeolus roni Genaro, 1999 [species]

Triepeolus rufithorax Graenicher, 1928 [species]

Triepeolus rufoclypeus Fox, 1891 [species]

Triepeolus rufotegularis Ashmead, 1900 [species]

Triepeolus rugosus Mitchell, 1962 [species]

Triepeolus rugulosus Cockerell, 1917 [species]

Triepeolus sarothrinus Cockerell, 1929 [species]

Triepeolus saturninus Cockerell & Sandhouse, 1924 [species]

Triepeolus scelestus Cresson, 1878 [species]

Triepeolus schwarzi Cockerell, 1921 [species]

T. s. schwarzi, T. s. subcalens

Triepeolus segregatus Cockerell, 1900 [species]

Triepeolus sequior Cockerell, 1921 [species]

Triepeolus simplex Robertson, 1903 [species]

Triepeolus simulatus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus subalpinus Cockerell, 1910 [species]

Triepeolus sublunatus Cockerell, 1907 [species]

Triepeolus subnitens Cockerell & Timberlake, 1929 [species]

Triepeolus tanneri Cockerell, 1928 [species]

Triepeolus tepanecus Cresson, 1878 [species]

Triepeolus texanus Cresson, 1878 [species]

Triepeolus timberlakei Cockerell, 1929 [species]

Triepeolus totonacus Cresson, 1878 [species]

Triepeolus townsendi Cockerell, 1907 [species]

Triepeolus tristis Smith, 1854 [species]

Triepeolus utahensis Cockerell, 1921 [species]

Triepeolus ventralis Meade-Waldo, 1913 [species]

Triepeolus verbesinae Cockerell, 1897 [species]

Triepeolus vernus Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus vicinus Cresson, 1865 [species]

Triepeolus victori Genaro, 1998 [species]

Triepeolus warriti Rightmyer, 2008 [species]

Triepeolus wilsoni Cresson, 1865 [species]

Triepeolus zacatecus Cresson, 1878 [species]


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