This taxon marks on the maps Gorytina: 2
Genera: 33 (3 illustrated). Species.
Afrogorytes Menke, 1967 [genus]
Allogorytes R. Bohart, 2000 [genus]
Argogorytes Ashmead, 1899 [genus]
Argogorytes carbonarius, Argogorytes fargeii, Argogorytes hispanicus, Argogorytes mystaceus
Arigorytes Rohwer, 1912 [genus]
Aroliagorytes R. Bohart, 2000 [genus]
Austrogorytes R. Bohart, 1967 [genus]
Eogorytes R. Bohart in Bohart and Menke, 1976 [genus]
Epigorytes R. Bohart, 2000 [genus]
Gorytes Latreille, 1805 [genus]
Gorytes africanus, Gorytes albilabris, Gorytes fallax, Gorytes foveolatus, Gorytes kohlii, Gorytes laticinctus, Gorytes neglectus, Gorytes nigrifacies, Gorytes planifrons, Gorytes pleuripunctatus, Gorytes procrustes, Gorytes quadrifasciatus, Gorytes quinquecinctus, Gorytes quinquefasciatus, Gorytes schlettereri, Gorytes schmiedeknechti, Gorytes sulcifrons
Hapalomellinus Ashmead, 1899 [genus]
Harpactostigma Ashmead, 1899 [genus]
Harpactus Shuckard, 1837 [genus]
Harpactus affinis, Harpactus alvaroi, Harpactus annulatus, Harpactus consanguineus, Harpactus creticus, Harpactus croaticus, Harpactus elegans, Harpactus exiguus, Harpactus fertoni, Harpactus formosus, Harpactus guichardi, Harpactus laevis, Harpactus leucurus, Harpactus lunatus, Harpactus moravicus, Harpactus morawitzi, Harpactus niger, Harpactus picticornis, Harpactus priscus, Harpactus pulchellus, Harpactus quadrisignatus, Harpactus schwarzi, Harpactus tauricus, Harpactus tumidus
Hoplisoides Gribodo, 1884 [genus]
Hoplisoides craverii, Hoplisoides latifrons, Hoplisoides punctuosus
Leiogorytes R. Bohart, 2000 [genus]
Lestiphorus Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau, 1832 [genus]
Leurogorytes R. Bohart, 2000 [genus]
Liogorytes R. Bohart, 1967 [genus]
Malaygorytes Nemkov, 1999 [genus]
Megistommum W. Schulz, 1906 [genus]
Neogorytes R. Bohart in Bohart and Menke, 1976 [genus]
Paraphilanthus Vardy, 1995 [genus]
Psammaletes Pate, 1936 [genus]
Pseudoplisus Ashmead, 1899 [genus]
Pterygorytes R. Bohart, 1967 [genus]
Sagenista R. Bohart, 1967 [genus]
Saygorytes Nemkov, 2007 [genus]
Stenogorytes Schrottky, 1911 [genus]
Stethogorytes R. Bohart, 2000 [genus]
Tretogorytes R. Bohart, 2000 [genus]
Trichogorytes Rohwer, 1912 [genus]
Xerogorytes R. Bohart in Bohart and Menke, 1976 [genus]
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