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Tribe Ugyopini

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Paraneoptera order Hemiptera suborder Auchenorrhyncha infraorder Fulgoromorpha superfamily Fulgoroidea family Delphacidae subfamily Asiracinae → tribe Ugyopini Fennah, 1979


Daughter taxa

Genera: 7 (0 illustrated). Species.

Melanugyops Fennah, 1956. [genus]

Melanugyops erebeus

Perimececera Muir, 1913 [genus]

Perimececera giffardi

Serafinana Gebicki & Szwedo, 2000 [genus]

Serafinana perperunae

Ugyopana Fennah, 1950 [genus]

Ugyopana cassia

Ugyops Guérin-Méneville, 1834 [genus]

Ugyops alecto, Ugyops almo, Ugyops amboinensis, Ugyops anatahani, Ugyops andraemon, Ugyops annulipes, Ugyops apollo, Ugyops arestor, Ugyops ariadne, Ugyops arignotus, Ugyops aristellus, Ugyops astrolabei, Ugyops atreces, Ugyops bianor, Ugyops bifurcatus, Ugyops bougainvillei, Ugyops brevifrons, Ugyops brevipennis, Ugyops brunneus, Ugyops bryani, Ugyops bryanni, Ugyops butleri, Ugyops buxtoni, Ugyops caelatus, Ugyops cantilenus, Ugyops cassander, Ugyops cercyo, Ugyops cheesmanae, Ugyops contiguus, Ugyops crotopus, Ugyops demeter, Ugyops demonice, Ugyops eos, Ugyops facialis, Ugyops flagellatus, Ugyops flyensis, Ugyops godmani, Ugyops hackeri, Ugyops haliacmon, Ugyops houadouensis, Ugyops impictus, Ugyops inermis, Ugyops insularis, Ugyops isolatus, Ugyops kellersi, Ugyops kinbergi, Ugyops lalokensis, Ugyops lato, Ugyops laui, Ugyops leaenus, Ugyops lifuanus, Ugyops liturifrons, Ugyops longiceps, Ugyops longifrons, Ugyops macareis, Ugyops maculipennis, Ugyops manturna, Ugyops manturnus, Ugyops medius, Ugyops menelaus, Ugyops musgravei, Ugyops necopinus, Ugyops nemestrinus, Ugyops nerinus, Ugyops nesiotes, Ugyops notivenus, Ugyops occidentalis, Ugyops ocypetes, Ugyops odites, Ugyops orchamus, Ugyops orestillus, Ugyops oromedon, Ugyops osborni, Ugyops palliatus, Ugyops pelorus, Ugyops percheronii, Ugyops petina, Ugyops pictifrons, Ugyops pictulus, Ugyops planguncula, Ugyops plangunculus, Ugyops privatus, Ugyops pygmaeus, Ugyops raouli, Ugyops rhadamanthus, Ugyops robusta, Ugyops robustus, Ugyops romani, Ugyops rotanus, Ugyops rufus, Ugyops samoaensis, Ugyops samoensis, Ugyops sejunctus, Ugyops senescens, Ugyops seychellensis, Ugyops similis, Ugyops stigmatus, Ugyops sulcatus, Ugyops superciliatus, Ugyops tamu, Ugyops taracuae, Ugyops taranis, Ugyops tonganus, Ugyops tripunctatus, Ugyops vitiensis, Ugyops vittatus, Ugyops walkeri, Ugyops wilkesi, Ugyops zimmermani, Ugyops zoe

Ugyopini photos with superspecies identification

If you know the species, please, click on the picture and write the species name in Comments section. Also, you can go to the gallery page with all photos of Ugyopini sp. (large size), and suggest the identification.

Ugyopini sp. Ugyopini sp. Ugyopini sp.


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