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Genus Ceuthophilus

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Polyneoptera order Orthoptera suborder Ensifera infraorder Tettigoniidea superfamily Stenopelmatoidea family Rhaphidophoridae subfamily Ceuthophilinae → genus Ceuthophilus Scudder, 1863


Daughter taxa

Ceuthophilus abditus Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus agassizii Scudder, 1861 [species]

Ceuthophilus alpinus Scudder, 1894 [species]

Ceuthophilus apache Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus aridus Bruner, 1904 [species]

Ceuthophilus arizonensis Scudder, 1894 [species]

Ceuthophilus armatipes Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus baboquivariae Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus brevipes Scudder, 1863 [species]

Ceuthophilus cacogeus Strohecker, 1951 [species]

Ceuthophilus californianus Scudder, 1863 [species]

Ceuthophilus carlsbadensis Caudell, 1924 [species]

Ceuthophilus carolinus Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus caudelli Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus chiricahuae Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus conicaudus Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus crassifemoris Hubbell, 1929 [species]

Ceuthophilus cunicularis Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus deserticola Barnum, 1964 [species]

Ceuthophilus divergens Scudder, 1863 [species]

Ceuthophilus elegans Hubbell, 1934 [species]

Ceuthophilus ensifer Packer, 1881 [species]

C. e. ensifer, C. e. saxicola

Ceuthophilus fissicaudus Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus fossor Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus fusiformis Scudder, 1894 [species]

Ceuthophilus genicularis Saussure & Pictet, 1897 [species]

Ceuthophilus gertschi Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus gracilipes Haldeman, 1850 [species]

C. g. apalachicolae, C. g. gracilipes

Ceuthophilus guttulosus F. Walker, 1869 [species]

C. g. angulosus, C. g. guttulosus, C. g. nigricans, C. g. thomasi

Ceuthophilus hebardi Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus hesperus Hubbell, 1936 [species]

C. h. clunicornis, C. h. eino, C. h. hesperus, C. h. transitans

Ceuthophilus hualapai Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus hubbelli Hebard, 1939 [species]

Ceuthophilus inyo Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus isletae Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus kansensis Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus lamellipes Rehn, 1907 [species]

Ceuthophilus lapidicola Burmeister, 1838 [species]

Ceuthophilus latens Scudder, 1863 [species]

Ceuthophilus latibuli Scudder, 1894 [species]

Ceuthophilus latipes Scudder, S.H. 1894 [species]

Ceuthophilus leptopus Strohecker, 1947 [species]

Ceuthophilus longipes Caudell, 1924 [species]

Ceuthophilus maculatus Harris, 1841 [species]

Ceuthophilus meridionalis Scudder, 1894 [species]

Ceuthophilus mescalero Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus mississippi Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus mormonius Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus nevadensis Barnum, 1964 [species]

Ceuthophilus nitens Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus nodulosus Brunner, 1888 [species]

Ceuthophilus occultus Scudder, 1894 [species]

Ceuthophilus osagensis Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus ozarkensis Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus pallescens Bruner, 1891 [species]

Ceuthophilus pallidipes E. M. Walker, 1905 [species]

Ceuthophilus pallidus Thomas, 1872 [species]

Ceuthophilus papago Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus paucispinosus Rehn, 1905 [species]

Ceuthophilus peninsularis Rehn & Hebard, 1914 [species]

Ceuthophilus perplexus Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus pima Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus pinalensis Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus polingi Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus rehni Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus rogersi Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus seclusus Scudder, 1894 [species]

Ceuthophilus secretus Scudder, 1894 [species]

Ceuthophilus silvestris Bruner, 1885 [species]

Ceuthophilus spinosus Scudder, 1894 [species]

Ceuthophilus stygius Scudder, 1861 [species]

Ceuthophilus tenebrarum Scudder, 1894 [species]

Ceuthophilus tinkhami Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus uhleri Scudder, 1863 [species]

Ceuthophilus umbratilis Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus umbrosus Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus unguiculatus Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus utahensis Thomas, 1876 [species]

Ceuthophilus variegatus Scudder, S.H. 1894 [species]

Ceuthophilus vicinus Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus virgatipes Rehn, 1904 [species]

Ceuthophilus walkeri Hubbell, 1929 [species]

Ceuthophilus wasatchensis Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus wheeleri Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus wichitaensis Hubbell, 1936 [species]

Ceuthophilus williamsoni Hubbell, 1934 [species]

Ceuthophilus yavapai Hubbell, 1936 [species]


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