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Genus Zapada

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Polyneoptera order Plecoptera suborder Arctoperlaria superfamily Nemouroidea family Nemouridae subfamily Nemourinae → genus Zapada Ricker, 1952


Daughter taxa

Zapada chila Ricker, 1952 [species]

Zapada cinctipes Banks, 1897 [species]

Zapada columbiana Claassen, 1923 [species]

Zapada cordillera Baumann and Gaufin, 1971 [species]

Zapada frigida Claassen, 1923 [species]

Zapada glacier Baumann and Gaufin, 1971 [species]

Zapada haysi Ricker, 1952 [species]

Zapada katahdin Baumann and Mingo, 1987 [species]

Zapada oregonensis Claassen, 1923 [species]

Zapada quadribranchiata Zhiltzova, 1977 [species]

Zapada wahkeena Jewett, 1954 [species]


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Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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