Pterostichus arcticola Chaudoir, 1868 [species]
Pterostichus auriga Ball, 1962 [species]
Pterostichus barryorum Ball, 1962 [species]
Pterostichus bryanti Van Dyke, 1951 [species]
P. b. biocryus, P. b. bryanti, P. b. bryantoides, P. b. cacumenis, P. b. stantonensis, P. b. tiliaceoradix
Pterostichus caribou Ball, 1962 [species]
Pterostichus chipewyan Ball, 1962 [species]
Pterostichus empetricola Dejean, 1828 [species]
Pterostichus gerstlensis Ball, 1962 [species]
Pterostichus hudsonicus Leconte, 1863 [species]
Pterostichus kotzebuei Ball, 1962 [species]
Pterostichus mandibularoides Ball, 1966 [species]
Pterostichus nivalis R. Sahlberg, 1844 [species]
Pterostichus parasimilis Ball, 1962 [species]
Pterostichus pinguedineus Eschscholtz, 1823 [species]
Pterostichus planus J. Sahlberg, 1885 [species]
Pterostichus riparius Dejean, 1828 [species]
Pterostichus similis Mannerheim, 1852 [species]
Pterostichus soperi Ball, 1966 [species]
Pterostichus surgens Leconte, 1878 [species]
Pterostichus tareumiut Ball, 1962 [species]
Pterostichus woodi Ball and Currie, 1997 [species]
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