This taxon marks on the maps Ascalaphinae: 8
Tribes: 4 (0 illustrated). Genera: 12 (2 illustrated). Species.
Bubopsis [genus]
Bubopsis agrionoides, Bubopsis andromache, Bubopsis costai, Bubopsis eatoni, Bubopsis hamata, Bubopsis rubrapunctata, Bubopsis tancrei, Bubopsis zarudnyi
Deleproctophylla [genus]
Deleproctophylla australis, Deleproctophylla bleusei, Deleproctophylla dusmeti, Deleproctophylla gelini, Deleproctophylla variegata
Libelloides [genus]
Libelloides baeticus, Libelloides coccajus, Libelloides corsicus, Libelloides cunii, Libelloides cunii., Libelloides hispanicus, Libelloides ictericus, Libelloides italicus, Libelloides jungei, Libelloides lacteus, Libelloides latinus, Libelloides longicornis, Libelloides macaronius, Libelloides ramburi, Libelloides rhomboideus, Libelloides sibiricus, Libelloides siculus, Libelloides syriacus, Libelloides tadjicus, Libelloides ustulatus
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