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Genus Tarphius

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Polyphaga infraorder Cucujiformia superfamily Tenebrionoidea family Zopheridae subfamily Colydiinae → genus Tarphius Erichson, 1845


Daughter taxa

Tarphius angusticollis Wollaston, 1860 [species]

Tarphius angustulus Wollaston, 1862 [species]

Tarphius azoricus Gillerfors, 1986 [species]

Tarphius barbarae Gillerfors, 1991 [species]

Tarphius besucheti Español, 1961 [species]

Tarphius brevicollis Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius camelus Wollaston, 1862 [species]

Tarphius canariensis Wollaston, 1862 [species]

Tarphius caudatus Wollaston, 1862 [species]

Tarphius cicatricosus Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius compactus Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius congestus Wollaston, 1862 [species]

Tarphius deformis Wollaston, 1862 [species]

Tarphius depressus Gillerfors, 1985 [species]

Tarphius echinatus Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius elongatus Dajoz, 1971 [species]

Tarphius epinae Gillerfors, 1986 [species]

Tarphius ericae Gillerfors, 1986 [species]

Tarphius excisus Wollaston, 1857 [species]

Tarphius explicatus Wollaston, 1857 [species]

Tarphius fernandezlopezi Franz, 1967 [species]

Tarphius formosus Wollaston, 1857 [species]

Tarphius fraudulentus Franz, 1990 [species]

Tarphius gibbulus Erichson, 1845 [species]

Tarphius gigas Wollaston, 1862 [species]

Tarphius gomerae Franz, 1967 [species]

Tarphius huggerti Gillerfors, 1991 [species]

Tarphius humerosus Wollaston, 1865 [species]

Tarphius inornatus Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius kiesenwetteri Heyden, 1870 [species]

Tarphius lauri Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius lowei Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius lutulentus Wollaston, 1871 [species]

Tarphius monstrosus Wollaston, 1865 [species]

Tarphius moyanus Franz, 1967 [species]

Tarphius nodosus Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius oromii Franz, 1984 [species]

Tarphius palmensis Gillerfors, 1990 [species]

Tarphius parallelus Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius piniphilus Franz, 1967 [species]

Tarphius pomboi Borges, 1991 [species]

Tarphius quadratus Wollaston, 1862 [species]

Tarphius rotundatus Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius rufonodulosus Israelson, 1984 [species]

Tarphius rugosus Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius sculptipennis Wollaston, 1857 [species]

Tarphius serranoi Borges, 1991 [species]

Tarphius setosus Wollaston, 1865 [species]

Tarphius simplex Wollaston, 1862 [species]

Tarphius stagosus Gillerfors & Oromi, 1991 [species]

Tarphius supranubis Franz, 1984 [species]

Tarphius sylvicola Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius tacorontinus Franz, 1967 [species]

Tarphius tenerifae Franz, 1967 [species]

Tarphius testudinalis Wollaston, 1854 [species]

Tarphius tornvalli Gillerfors, 1985 [species]

Tarphius truncatus Wollaston, 1845 [species]

Tarphius wollastoni Crotch, 1867 [species]

Tarphius zerchei Gillerfors, 1997 [species]


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