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Subgenus Pteronidea

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Hymenoptera suborder Symphyta superfamily Tenthredinoidea family Tenthredinidae subfamily Nematinae genus Nematus → subgenus Pteronidea Rohwer, 1911



Daughter taxa

Nematus absconditus (Lindqvist, 1949) [species]

Nematus angustiserra (Lindqvist, 1969) [species]

Nematus bergmanni Dahlbom, 1835 [species]

Nematus bipartitus Serville, 1823 [species]

Nematus bohemani C. G. Thomson, 1871 [species]

Nematus boreophilus (Lindqvist, 1971) [species]

Nematus breviseta (Lindqvist, 1949) [species]

Nematus brevivalvis C. G. Thomson, 1871 [species]

Nematus brunneus (Lindqvist, 1982) [species]

Nematus cadderensis Cameron, 1875 [species]

Nematus carelicus Hellen, 1948 [species]

Nematus clavicercus (Lindqvist, 1957) [species]

Nematus connectus (Lindqvist, 1957) [species]

Nematus dispar Zaddach, 1876 [species]

Nematus disparoides (Lindqvist, 1969) [species]

Nematus dissimilis Forster, 1854 [species]

Nematus distinguendus (Enslin, 1915) [species]

Nematus dorsatus Cameron, 1876 [species]

Nematus epimeris (Lindqvist, 1969) [species]

Nematus fagi Zaddach, 1876 [species]

Nematus fahraei C. G. Thomson, 1862 [species]

Nematus ferrugineus Forster, 1854 [species]

Nematus flavescens Stephens, 1835 [species]

Nematus frenalis C. G. Thomson, 1888 [species]

Nematus fulvescens (Lindqvist, 1949) [species]

Nematus fulviventris (Lindqvist, 1957) [species]

Nematus fumosus Lacourt, 1991 [species]

Nematus fuscomaculatus Forster, 1854 [species]

Nematus holmgreni (Lindqvist, 1968) [species]

Nematus hypoxanthus Forster, 1854 [species]

Nematus incompletus Forster, 1854 [species]

Nematus jugicola C. G. Thomson, 1871 [species]

Nematus kangasi (Lindqvist, 1964) [species]

Nematus latibasis (Lindqvist, 1949) [species]

Nematus lauroi (Lindqvist, 1960) [species]

Nematus leionotus (Benson, 1933) [species]

Nematus leptocephalus C. G. Thomson, 1862 [species]

Nematus maculifrons (Lindqvist, 1960) [species]

Nematus majusculus Lacourt, 1991 [species]

Nematus melanaspis Hartig, 1840 [species]

Nematus melanocephalus Hartig, 1837 [species]

Nematus microserratus (Lindqvist, 1941) [species]

Nematus miliaris (Panzer, 1797) [species]

Nematus monticola C. G. Thomson, 1871 [species]

Nematus myosotidis (Fabricius, 1804) [species]

Nematus nigricornis Serville, 1823 [species]

Nematus nigriventris Holmgren, 1883 [species]

Nematus nitidus (Lindqvist, 1969) [species]

Nematus notabilis (Konow, 1903) [species]

Nematus nuortevai (Lindqvist, 1957) [species]

Nematus oligospilus Forster, 1854 [species]

Nematus pallens (Konow, 1903) [species]

Nematus pallidinervis (Hellen, 1951) [species]

Nematus palliditarsis Cameron, 1875 [species]

Nematus pavidus Serville, 1823 [species]

Nematus peltoneni (Lindqvist, 1969) [species]

Nematus platystigma (Lindqvist, 1949) [species]

Nematus poecilonotus Zaddach, 1876 [species]

Nematus politus (Lindqvist, 1974) [species]

Nematus pravus (Konow, 1895) [species]

Nematus pseudodispar (Lindqvist, 1969) [species]

Nematus putoni (Konow, 1903) [species]

Nematus renei (Lindqvist, 1957) [species]

Nematus respondens Forster, 1854 [species]

Nematus salicis (Linnaeus, 1758) [species]

Nematus scotonotus Forster, 1854 [species]

Nematus semiopacus (Lindqvist, 1957) [species]

Nematus semipunctatus (Lindqvist, 1957) [species]

Nematus seriepunctatus (Malaise, 1921) [species]

Nematus silvestris Cameron, 1884 [species]

Nematus spiraeae Zaddach, 1883 [species]

Nematus stichi (Enslin, 1913) [species]

Nematus stramineipes (Lindqvist, 1957) [species]

Nematus striatipleuris (Lindqvist, 1957) [species]

Nematus subflavus (Lindqvist, 1957) [species]

Nematus tibialis Newman, 1837 [species]

Nematus togatus Zaddach, 1876 [species]

Nematus torneensis (Malaise, 1920) [species]

Nematus truncus Vikberg, 1982 [species]

Nematus umbratus C. G. Thomson, 1871 [species]

Nematus variegatus (Lindqvist, 1957) [species]

Nematus verticalis (Lindqvist, 1957) [species]

Nematus viridis Stephens, 1835 [species]

Nematus viridissimus Moller, 1882 [species]

Nematus woollatti (Lindqvist, 1971) [species]

Nematus zaddachi (Enslin, 1916) [species]

Pteronidea photos with superspecies identification

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Pteronidea sp. Pteronidea sp. Pteronidea sp. Pteronidea sp.


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Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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