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Species found: 143
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Arctornis galanthina (Toxopeus, 1948)
Lepidoptera, Erebidae
Arctornis galene (Toxopeus, 1948)
Arctornis gelasphora Collenette, 1935
Arctornis graciliclava Holloway, 1999
Arctornis hedleyi Holloway, 1999
Arctornis hemilabda Collenette, 1938
Arctornis heteroides (Collenette, 1938)
Arctornis hipparia (Swinhoe, 1893)
Arctornis intacta (Walker, 1866)
Arctornis isabella (Toxopeus, 1948)
Arctornis kenya (Collenette, 1931)
Arctornis keranganaphtha Holloway, 1999
Arctornis kohistana de Freina, 1987
Arctornis kumatai Inoue, 1956
Arctornis l-nigrum (Muller, 1764)
Волнянка эль-черное
Arctornis labi Holloway, 1999
Arctornis lactea (Moore, 1879)
Arctornis leucoscela (Collenette, 1934)
Arctornis liguluncus Holloway, 1999
Arctornis linteola (Toxopeus, 1948)
Arctornis listrophora (Collenette, 1951)
Arctornis lumulosa (Mackey, 1984)
Arctornis macrocera (Sharpe, 1890)
Arctornis magnaclava Holloway, 1999
Arctornis mallephrika Holloway, 1999
Arctornis malleuncus Holloway, 1999
Arctornis marginalis (Walker, 1862)
Arctornis marginata (Moore, [1883])
Arctornis melanocraspis (Hampson, 1905)
Arctornis meridionalis (Holloway, 1982)
Arctornis micacea (Walker, 1862)
Arctornis minutissima (Swinhoe, 1903)
Arctornis monobalia (Collenette, 1933)
Arctornis montananaphtha Holloway, 1999
Arctornis moorei (Leech, 1899)
Arctornis mulunaphtha Holloway, 1999
Arctornis naphtha Holloway, 1999
Arctornis nigrobustus Holloway, 1999
Arctornis niphobola (Collenette, 1932)
Arctornis nivosa (Walker, 1865)
Arctornis obtusa (Walker, 1862)
Arctornis opalina (Collenette, 1951)
Arctornis oranaphtha Holloway, 1999
Arctornis ouria (Collenette, 1938)
Arctornis palea (Toxopeus, 1948)
Arctornis parvaclava Holloway, 1999
Arctornis pellucida (Swinhoe, 1903)
Arctornis pellucidoides Holloway, 1999
Arctornis peninsularis (Holloway, 1982)
Arctornis perfecta (Walker, 1862)
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