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Canthidium escalerai Balthasar, 1939
Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae
Canthidium euchalceum Balthasar, 1939
Canthidium excisipes Balthasar, 1939
Canthidium femoratum Boucomont, 1935
Canthidium flabellatum Harold, 1883
Canthidium flavicorne Blanchard, 1846
Canthidium flavipes Harold, 1867
Canthidium flavum Balthasar, 1939
Canthidium foveolatum Harold, 1867
Canthidium funebre Balthasar, 1939
Canthidium gemmingeri Harold, 1867
Canthidium gerstaeckeri Harold, 1867
Canthidium gigas Balthasar, 1939
Canthidium glabricolle Harold, 1867
Canthidium globulum Harold, 1867
Canthidium gracilipes Harold, 1867
Canthidium granuliferum Pereira, 1949
Canthidium guanacaste Howden & Gill, 1987
Canthidium guyanense Boucomont, 1928
Canthidium haagi Harold, 1867
Canthidium haroldi Preudhomme de Borre, 1886
Canthidium hespenheidei Howden & Young, 1981
Canthidium histrio Balthasar, 1939
Canthidium howdeni Kohlmann & Solis, 2006
Canthidium humerale Germar, 1813
Canthidium hyla Balthasar, 1939
Canthidium hypocrita Balthasar, 1939
Canthidium imperiale Harold, 1876
Canthidium impressum Boucomont, 1928
Canthidium inerme Harold, 1867
Canthidium inoptatum Balthasar, 1939
Canthidium kelleri Martinez, Halffter & Pereira, 1964
Canthidium kiesenwetteri Harold, 1867
Canthidium kirschi Harold, 1875
Canthidium korschefskyi Balthasar, 1939
Canthidium kraatzi Harold, 1867
Canthidium laetum Harold, 1867
Canthidium laevigatum Harold, 1867
Canthidium latipleurum Preudhomme de Borre, 1886
Canthidium latum Blanchard, 1846
Canthidium lebasi Harold, 1867
Canthidium lentum Erichson, 1847
Canthidium leucopterum Howden & Young, 1981
Canthidium lucidum Harold, 1867
Canthidium luteum Balthasar, 1939
Canthidium macclevei Kohlmann and Solís, 2006
Canthidium macroculare Howden & Gill, 1987
Canthidium magnum Harold, 1871
Canthidium manni Arrow, 1913
Canthidium margaritae Kohlmann & Solis, 2006
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