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Allorrhina nickerli Moser, 1911
Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae
Allorrhina nigerrima Burmeister, 1842
Allorrhina scabriuscula Swederus, 1787
Allorrhina soror Moser, 1911
Allorrhina tridentata Moser, 1908
Allorrhina viridicans Bourgoin, 1911
Amaurina bourgoini Ruter, 1967
Amaurina opacipennis Arrow, 1909
Amaurina ruteri Antoine, 2000
Amaurina spoliata Harold, 1879
Amaurina vittipennis Moser, 1909
Amazula revoili Fairmaire, 1884
Amazula suavis Burmeister, 1847
Amithao albopictum Neervoort Van De Poll, 1886
Amithao cavifrons Burmeister, 1842
Amithao decemguttatus Waterhouse, 1876
Amithao distigma Schoch, 1898
Amithao erici Mitter, 2007
Amithao erythropus Burmeister, 1842
Amithao haematopus Schaum, 1848
Amithao incerta Gory & Percheron, 1833
Amithao lafertei Thomson, 1860
Amithao metallicum Janson, 1885
Amithao niveosparsus Moser, 1913
Amithao obscurus Schoch, 1896
Amithao pyrrhonotus Burmeister, 1842
Amithao sparsus Casey, 1915
Amithao spence Gory & Percheron, 1833
Amithao staudingeri Schürhoff, 1935
Amithao thomsoni Janson, 1878
Anacamptorrhina concolor Heller, 1902
Anacamptorrhina corrusca Gestro, 1876
Anacamptorrhina fulgida Wallace, 1867
Anacamptorrhina ignipes Blanchard, 1842
Anagnathocera dispar Arrow, 1922
Analleucosma allardi Antoine, 1989
Analleucosma rubidocincta Schein, 1956
Analleucosma uelensis Burgeon, 1932
Anatona alboguttata Burmeister, 1842
Anatona castanoptera Burmeister, 1842
Anatona selousi Janson, 1917
Anatona stillata Newman, 1838
Anatonochilus angulicollis Janson, 1911
Anatonochilus platycephalus Boheman, 1857
Anatonochilus pletus Krikken, 1980
Anatonochilus rugosus Janson, 1911
Anelaphinis allardi Ruter, 1978
Anelaphinis bourgoini Burgeon, 1932
Anelaphinis breviceps Kolbe, 1892
Anelaphinis deplanata Moser, 1907
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