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Agyrtacantha tumidula Lieftinck, 1937
Odonata, Aeshnidae
Allopetalia pustulosa Selys, 1873
Allopetalia reticulosa Selys, 1873
Amphiaeschna ampla Rambur, 1842
Anaciaeschna donaldi Fraser, 1922
Anaciaeschna jaspidea Burmeister, 1839
Anaciaeschna martini Selys, 1897
Anaciaeschna megalopis Martin, 1908
Anaciaeschna melanostoma Lieftinck, 1949
Anaciaeschna moluccana Lieftinck, 1930
Anaciaeschna montivagans Lieftinck, 1932
Anaciaeschna pseudochiri Foerster, 1908
Anaciaeschna triangulifera McLachlan, 1895
Anax amazili Burmeister, 1839
Anax bangweuluensis Kimmins, 1955
Anax chloromelas Ris, 1911
Anax concolor Brauer, 1865
Anax congoliath Fraser, 1953
Anax dubius Lacroix, 1921
Anax fumosus Hagen, 1867
Anax georgius Selys, 1872
Anax gibbosulus Rambur, 1842
Anax guttatus Burmeister, 1839
Anax immaculifrons Rambur, 1842
Anax imperator Leach, 1815
Anax indicus Lieftinck, 1942
Anax junius Drury, 1773
Anax longipes Hagen, 1861
Anax maclachlani Foerster, 1898
Anax mahalaxmi Sathe & Shinde, 2008
Anax mandrakae Gauthier, 1988
Anax nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915
Anax panybeus Hagen, 1867
Anax parthenope (Selys, 1839)
Anax piraticus Kennedy, 1934
Anax pugnax Lieftinck, 1942
Anax selysii Foerster, 1900
Anax speratus Hagen, 1867
Anax strenuus Hagen, 1867
Anax tristis Hagen, 1867
Anax tumorifer McLachlan, 1885
Anax walsinghami McLachlan, 1883
Andaeschna andresi Rácenis, 1958
Andaeschna rufipes Ris, 1918
Andaeschna timotocuica De Marmels, 1994
Andaeschna unicolor Martin, 1908
Antipodophlebia asthenes Tillyard, 1916
Austroaeschna anacantha Tillyard, 1908
Austroaeschna atrata Martin, 1909
Austroaeschna christine Theischinger, 1993
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