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Ceraturgus cruciatus Say, 1823
Diptera, Asilidae
Ceraturgus elizabethae Brimley, 1924
Ceraturgus hedini Engel, 1934
Ceraturgus johnsoni Martin, 1965
Ceraturgus kawamurae Matsumura, 1916
Ceraturgus mabelae Brimley, 1924
Ceraturgus mitchelli Brimley, 1924
Ceraturgus niger Macquart, 1838
Ceraturgus nigripes Williston, 1886
Ceraturgus oklahomensis Bromley, 1934
Ceraturgus similis Johnson, 1912
Coleomyia albula Melander, 1924
Coleomyia alticola James, 1941
Coleomyia crumborum Martin, 1953
Coleomyia hinei Wilcox and Martin, 1935
Coleomyia rainieri Wilcox and Martin, 1935
Coleomyia rubida Martin, 1953
Coleomyia sculleni Wilcox and Martin, 1935
Coleomyia setigera Cole, 1919
Crobilocerus auriger Musso, 1973
Crobilocerus engeli Geller-Grimm & Hradsky, 1999
Crobilocerus megilliformis Loew, 1847
Crobilocerus persianus Geller-Grimm & Hradsky, 1999
Crobilocerus spinosus Theodor, 1980
Cyrtopogon ablautoides Melander, 1923
Cyrtopogon africanus Ricardo, 1925
Cyrtopogon albibarbatus Lehr, 1998
Cyrtopogon albifacies Johnson, 1942
Cyrtopogon albifrons Wilcox and Martin, 1936
Cyrtopogon albovarians Curran, 1924
Cyrtopogon aldrichi Wilcox and Martin, 1936
Cyrtopogon alleni Back, 1909
Cyrtopogon annulatus Hermann, 1906
Cyrtopogon anomalus Cole, 1919
Cyrtopogon auratus Cole, 1919
Cyrtopogon aurifex Osten Sacken, 1877
Cyrtopogon auripilosus Wilcox and Martin, 1936
Cyrtopogon banksi Wilcox and Martin, 1936
Cyrtopogon basingeri Wilcox and Martin, 1936
Cyrtopogon beameri Wilcox and Martin, 1936
Cyrtopogon bigelowi Curran, 1924
Cyrtopogon bimacula Walker, 1851
Cyrtopogon bimaculus Walker, 1851
Cyrtopogon caesius Melander, 1923
Cyrtopogon californicus Wilcox & Martin, 1936
Cyrtopogon callipedilus Loew, 1874
Cyrtopogon carpathicus Bezzi, 1927
Cyrtopogon centralis Loew, 1871
Cyrtopogon chagnoni Curran, 1939
Cyrtopogon culminum Bigot, 1885
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