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Austroaeschna eungella Theischinger, 1993
Odonata, Aeshnidae
Austroaeschna flavomaculata Tillyard, 1916
Austroaeschna forcipata Tillyard, 1907
Austroaeschna hardyi Tillyard, 1917
Austroaeschna inermis Martin, 1901
Austroaeschna ingrid Theischinger, 2008
Austroaeschna muelleri Theischinger, 1982
Austroaeschna multipunctata Martin, 1901
Austroaeschna obscura Theischinger, 1982
Austroaeschna parvistigma Selys, 1883
Austroaeschna pinheyi Theischinger, 2001
Austroaeschna pulchra Tillyard in Martin, 1909
Austroaeschna sigma Theischinger, 1982
Austroaeschna subapicalis Theischinger, 1982
Austroaeschna tasmanica Tillyard, 1916
Austroaeschna unicornis Selys, 1883
Austroaeschna weiskei Foerster, 1908
Austrogynacantha heterogena Tillyard, 1908
Austrophlebia costalis Tillyard, 1907
Austrophlebia subcostalis Theischinger, 1996
Basiaeschna janata Say, 1839
Boyeria cretensis Peters, 1991
Boyeria grafiana Williamson, 1907
Boyeria irene Fonscolombe, 1838
Boyeria karubei Yokoi, 2002
Boyeria maclachlani Selys, 1883
Boyeria sinensis Asahina, 1978
Boyeria vinosa Say, 1839
Brachytron pratense Müller, 1764
Caliaeschna microstigma Schneider, 1845
Castoraeschna castor Brauer, 1865
Castoraeschna colorata Martin, 1908
Castoraeschna corbeti Carvalho, Pinto & Ferreira, 2009
Castoraeschna coronata Ris, 1918
Castoraeschna decurvata Dunkle & Cook, 1984
Castoraeschna januaria Hagen, 1867
Castoraeschna longfieldae Kimmins, 1929
Castoraeschna margarethae Jurzitza, 1979
Castoraeschna tepuica De Marmels, 1989
Cephalaeschna acutifrons Martin, 1909
Cephalaeschna aritai Karube, 2003
Cephalaeschna asahinai Karube, 2011
Cephalaeschna chaoi Asahina, 1982
Cephalaeschna dinghuensis Wilson, 1999
Cephalaeschna klapperichi Schmidt, 1961
Cephalaeschna klotsae Asahina, 1982
Cephalaeschna masoni Martin, 1909
Cephalaeschna needhami Asahina, 1981
Cephalaeschna obversa Needham, 1930
Cephalaeschna orbifrons Selys, 1883
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