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Anopheles stigmaticus Skuse, 1889
Diptera, Culicidae
Anopheles stookesi Colless, 1955
Anopheles stricklandi Reid, 1965
Anopheles strodei Root, 1926
Anopheles subpictus Grassi, 1899
Anopheles sulawesi Koesoemawinangoen, 1954
Anopheles sumatrana Swellengrebel & Rodenwaldt, 1932
Anopheles sundaicus Rodenwaldt, 1948
Anopheles superpictus Grassi, 1899
Anopheles swahilicus Gillies, 1964
Anopheles symesi Edwards, 1928
Anopheles takasagoensis Morishita, 1946
Anopheles tasmaniensis Dobrotworsky, 1966
Anopheles tchekedii Meillon & Leeson, 1940
Anopheles telamali Saliternik & Theodor, 1942
Anopheles tenebrosus Donitz, 1902
Anopheles tessellatus Theobald, 1901
Anopheles theileri Edwards, 1912
Anopheles theobaldi Giles, 1901
Anopheles thomasi Shannon, 1933
Anopheles tibiamaculatus Neiva, 1906
Anopheles tigertti Scanlon & Peyton, 1967
Anopheles torakala Stoker & Waktoedi, 1949
Anopheles torresiensis Schmidt, Foley, Hartel, Williams & Bryan, 2001
Anopheles triannulatus Neiva and Pinto, 1922
Anopheles trinkae Faran, 1979
Anopheles turkhudi Liston, 1901
Anopheles ugandae Evans, 1934
Anopheles umbrosus Theobald, 1903
Anopheles ungujae White, 1975
Anopheles upemba Lips, 1960
Anopheles vagus Doentiz, 1902
Anopheles vaneedeni Gillies & Coetzee, 1987
Anopheles vanhoofi Wanson & Lebied, 1945
Anopheles vanus Walker, 1859
Anopheles vargasi Gabald., Covo-gar., Lopez, 1941
Anopheles varuna Iyengar, 1924
Anopheles vernus Gillies & Meillon, 1968
Anopheles veruslanei Vargas, 1979
Anopheles vestitipennis Dyar and Knab, 1906
Anopheles vietnamensis Nguyen Duc Manh, Tran Duc Hinh & Nguyen Tho Vien, 1993
Anopheles vinckei Meillon, 1942
Anopheles vulgaris Hatori, 1901
Anopheles walkeri Theobald, 1901
Anopheles walravensi Edwards, 1930
Anopheles watsonii Leicester, 1908
Anopheles wellcomei Theobald, 1904
Anopheles wellingtonianus Alcock, 1912
Anopheles whartoni Reid, 1963
Anopheles willmorei James, 1903
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