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Glaucocharis flavescens Gaskin, 1975
Lepidoptera, Crambidae
Glaucocharis forcipella Wang & Sung, 1988
Glaucocharis furculella Wang & Sung, 1988
Glaucocharis fusca Gaskin, 1975
Glaucocharis fuscobasella Snellen, 1900
Glaucocharis fuscopinna Gaskin, 1988
Glaucocharis griseolalis (Hampson, 1896)
Glaucocharis haganella Gaskin, 1985
Glaucocharis harmonica Meyrick, 1888
Glaucocharis helioctypa Meyrick, 1882
Glaucocharis himalayana Gaskin, 1988
Glaucocharis hobbyi Gaskin, 1975
Glaucocharis holanthes Meyrick, 1885
Glaucocharis ibatianensis Gaskin, 1975
Glaucocharis incisella (Bleszynski, 1970)
Glaucocharis infundella Wang & Sung, 1988
Glaucocharis interruptus Felder, 1875
Glaucocharis javaensis Gaskin, 1975
Glaucocharis kangraensis Gaskin, 1988
Glaucocharis khasiella Gaskin, 1988
Glaucocharis lathonia Bleszynski, 1966
Glaucocharis lepidella Walker, 1866
Glaucocharis leucoxantha Meyrick, 1882
Glaucocharis lunatella Wang & Sung, 1988
Glaucocharis margretella Gaskin, 1985
Glaucocharis melistoma (Meyrick, 1931)
Glaucocharis melli Caradja & Meyrick, 1933
Glaucocharis metallifera Butler, 1877
Glaucocharis microdora Meyrick, 1905
Glaucocharis microxantha (Meyrick, 1897)
Glaucocharis minimalis (Hampson, 1919)
Glaucocharis minutalis (Hampson, 1893)
Glaucocharis molleri Gaskin, 1988
Glaucocharis molydocrossa (Turner, 1904)
Glaucocharis moriokensis (Okano, 1962)
Glaucocharis morobella Bleszynski, 1966
Glaucocharis muscela Fryer, 1912
Glaucocharis mutuurella (Bleszynski, 1965)
Glaucocharis natalensis (Hampson, 1919)
Glaucocharis neotafanella Gaskin, 1985
Glaucocharis novaehebridensis Gaskin, 1975
Glaucocharis ochracealis (Walker, [1866])
Glaucocharis ochronella Wang & Sung, 1988
Glaucocharis ochrophanes Meyrick, 1931
Glaucocharis octacornutella Wang & Sung, 1988
Glaucocharis omeishani (Bleszynski, 1965)
Glaucocharis palidella Wang & Sung, 1988
Glaucocharis papuanensis Gaskin, 1985
Glaucocharis paradisella Bleszynski, 1966
Glaucocharis parmulella Wang & Sung, 1988
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