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Ctenochira antennata Kasparyan, 1999
Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae
Ctenochira aperta Kasparyan, 1972
Ctenochira arcuata Holmgren, 1857
Ctenochira basipectinata Lee & Cha, 1993
Ctenochira bisinuata Förster, 1855
Ctenochira breviseta Ratzeburg, 1852
Ctenochira caucasica Kasparyan, 1999
Ctenochira clara Kasparyan, 1973
Ctenochira debilis Townes & Townes, 1949
Ctenochira deplanata Townes & Townes, 1949
Ctenochira dilatata Provancher, 1875
Ctenochira edolensis Ozols, 1959
Ctenochira extricata Davis, 1897
Ctenochira fecula Kasparyan, 1973
Ctenochira ferrugata Townes & Townes, 1949
Ctenochira flavicauda Roman, 1912
Ctenochira flavipes Kasparyan, 1976
Ctenochira galla Kasparyan, 1973
Ctenochira gelida Kasparyan, 1973
Ctenochira genalis Thomson, 1883
Ctenochira gillettei Davis, 1897
Ctenochira gilvipes Holmgren, 1857
Ctenochira grossa Brischke, 1871
Ctenochira haemosterna Haliday, 1838
Ctenochira helveticator Aubert, 1965
Ctenochira himachala Gupta, 1985
Ctenochira holmgreni Brischke, 1871
Ctenochira infans Townes & Townes, 1949
Ctenochira infesta Holmgren, 1857
Ctenochira inflata Townes & Townes, 1949
Ctenochira inversa Kasparyan, 1972
Ctenochira irrisa Kasparyan, 1973
Ctenochira longicauda Kasparyan, 1976
Ctenochira marginata Holmgren, 1857
Ctenochira melina Townes & Townes, 1949
Ctenochira meridionator Aubert, 1969
Ctenochira nata Kasparyan, 1973
Ctenochira nigroventralis Lee & Cha, 1993
Ctenochira niveicola Ashmead, 1902
Ctenochira oreophila Schmiedeknecht, 1912
Ctenochira orientalis Kasparyan, 1993
Ctenochira pallipes Cameron, 1909
Ctenochira pastoralis Gravenhorst, 1829
Ctenochira pectinata Bauer, 1958
Ctenochira pectoralis Townes & Townes, 1949
Ctenochira picta Townes & Townes, 1949
Ctenochira pikonematis Townes & Townes, 1949
Ctenochira populi Momoi, 1962
Ctenochira potens Townes & Townes, 1949
Ctenochira pratensis Gravenhorst, 1829
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