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Ctenochira propinqua Gravenhorst, 1829
Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae
Ctenochira propodeata Kasparyan, 1972
Ctenochira punctata Kasparyan, 1972
Ctenochira quebecensis Provancher, 1874
Ctenochira rhenana Forster, 1888
Ctenochira romani Pfankuch, 1925
Ctenochira rubella Kasparyan, 1972
Ctenochira rubicunda Townes & Townes, 1949
Ctenochira rubranator Aubert, 1965
Ctenochira rufa Ashmead, 1902
Ctenochira ruficoxalis Lee & Cha, 1993
Ctenochira rufipes Gravenhorst, 1829
Ctenochira sanguinatoria Ratzeburg, 1852
Ctenochira sculpturata Kasparyan, 1972
Ctenochira spectabilis Habermehl, 1909
Ctenochira sphaerocephala Gravenhorst, 1829
Ctenochira subarctica Kasparyan, 1999
Ctenochira subcrassa Cresson, 1868
Ctenochira taiga Kasparyan, 1972
Ctenochira tarsata Kasparyan, 1972
Ctenochira tetrica Townes & Townes, 1949
Ctenochira validicornis Brischke, 1871
Ctenochira vetusta Holmgren, 1857
Ctenochira xanthopyga Holmgren, 1857
Dyspetes areolatus He & Wan, 1987
Dyspetes arrogator Heinrich, 1949
Dyspetes curvicarinatus He & Wan, 1987
Dyspetes flavus Gupta, 1983
Dyspetes indicus Gupta, 1983
Dyspetes longipetiolaris He & Wan, 1987
Dyspetes luteomarginatus Habermehl, 1925
Dyspetes nigricans He & Wan, 1987
Dyspetes nogodanus Lee & Cha, 1993
Dyspetes orientalis Kasparyan, 1976
Dyspetes rufus Provancher, 1874
Dyspetes sinensis He & Wan, 1987
Dyspetes townesi Gupta, 1983
Erromenus acutus Townes & Gupta, 1992
Erromenus alpestrator Aubert, 1969
Erromenus alpinator Aubert, 1969
Erromenus analis Brischke, 1871
Erromenus annulicornis Strobl, 1903
Erromenus apertus Townes & Gupta, 1992
Erromenus basimacula Townes & Gupta, 1992
Erromenus bibulus Kasparyan, 1973
Erromenus brunnicans Gravenhorst, 1829
Erromenus caelator Townes & Townes, 1949
Erromenus calcator Müller, 1776
Erromenus defectivus Brischke, 1892
Erromenus defrictus Townes & Townes, 1949
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