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Exetastes fascipennis Cresson, 1865
Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae
Exetastes femorator Desvignes, 1856
Exetastes flavofasciatus Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Exetastes flavus Cushman, 1937
Exetastes fornicator Fabricius, 1781
Exetastes fukuchiyamanus Uchida, 1928
Exetastes geniculosus Holmgren, 1860
Exetastes georginae Gauld & Ugalde, 2002
Exetastes gracilicornis Gravenhorst, 1829
Exetastes gussakovskii Meyer, 1929
Exetastes hamatus Gauld & Ugalde, 2002
Exetastes hastatus Viktorov, 1958
Exetastes holomelaenus Meyer, 1927
Exetastes hungaricus Bajari, 1959
Exetastes ichneumoniformis Gravenhorst, 1829
Exetastes igneipennis Cushman, 1937
Exetastes illinoiensis Walsh, 1873
Exetastes illusor Gravenhorst, 1829
Exetastes illyricus Strobl, 1904
Exetastes inquisitor Gravenhorst, 1829
Exetastes inveteratus Brues, 1910
Exetastes ishikawensis Uchida, 1928
Exetastes kenagai Townes, 1978
Exetastes komarovi Kokujev, 1904
Exetastes kotenkoi Kuslitzky, 2007
Exetastes kravitus Gauld & Ugalde, 2002
Exetastes laevigator Villers, 1789
Exetastes larinus Townes, 1978
Exetastes lasius Cushman, 1937
Exetastes longipes Smith, 1878
Exetastes lorinus Gauld & Ugalde, 2002
Exetastes lucifer Morley, 1913
Exetastes luteofacies Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Exetastes madecassus Seyrig, 1934
Exetastes majevskajae Kuslitzky, 2007
Exetastes manchuricus Naora, 1933
Exetastes maurus Desvignes, 1856
Exetastes mexicanus Cresson, 1874
Exetastes moczari Momoi, 1973
Exetastes mongoliensis Kuslitzky, 1979
Exetastes navetus Gauld & Ugalde, 2002
Exetastes nematura Townes, 1978
Exetastes niblus Gauld & Ugalde, 2002
Exetastes nigellus Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Exetastes nigripes Gravenhorst, 1829
Exetastes nigritibialis Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Exetastes nitidus Cameron, 1906
Exetastes notatus Holmgren, 1860
Exetastes obscurus Cresson, 1865
Exetastes ocellaris Kuslitzky, 2007
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