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Species found: 641
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Diloboderus abderus Sturm, 1826
Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae
Dipelicus acutus Silvestre, 2006
Dipelicus alveolatus Heller, 1897
Dipelicus bicarinatus Silvestre, 2006
Dipelicus bidens Arrow, 1910
Dipelicus borneensis Arrow, 1911
Dipelicus bovilli Blackburn, 1888
Dipelicus cantator Arrow, 1910
Dipelicus cantori Hope, 1842
Dipelicus centratus Endrödi, 1969
Dipelicus daedalus Fabricius, 1792
Dipelicus deiphobus Sharp, 1873
Dipelicus duplex Sharp, 1875
Dipelicus fastigatus Endrödi, 1969
Dipelicus furcatus Endrödi, 1971
Dipelicus geryon Drury, 1773
Dipelicus hircus Fabricius, 1775
Dipelicus indicus Endrödi, 1969
Dipelicus integriceps Fairmaire, 1877
Dipelicus lacordairei Sharp, 1873
Dipelicus minusculus Voirin, 1996
Dipelicus mitratus Silvestre, 2010
Dipelicus monstrouzieri Reiche, 1860
Dipelicus nasutus Bates, 1877
Dipelicus optatus Sharp, 1875
Dipelicus ornatus Silvestre, 2012
Dipelicus pyramidalis Silvestre, 2006
Dipelicus quadratifer Heller, 1897
Dipelicus schultzejenai Silvestre, 2007
Dipelicus sinuosus Silvestre, 2006
Dipelicus triangularis Montrouzier, 1855
Dipelicus tridentifer Silvestre, 2012
Dipelicus tuberosus Silvestre, 2012
Ebolowanius mirei Dechambre, 1979
Enarotadius gressitti Endrödi, 1971
Endroedianibe bozzolai Chalumeau, 1981
Endroedianibe xerozoyphius Ratcliffe & Cave, 2011
Enracius longipes Dechambre, 1999
Epironastes abruptus Carne, 1957
Epironastes limbatus Carne, 1957
Epironastes nigrisetosus Carne, 1957
Eremobothynus bicuspis Endrödi, 1970
Eremobothynus cornutus Steinheil, 1872
Eremobothynus hirsutus Grossi & Abadie, 2008
Eucopidocaulus biintrusus Heller, 1913
Eucopidocaulus platypygus Prell, 1912
Eucopidocaulus tridentipes Arrow, 1911
Euetheola bidentata Burmeister, 1847
Euetheola humilis Burmeister, 1847
Euetheola latipennis Arrow, 1911
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