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Anopheles rageaui Mattingly & Adam, 1954
Diptera, Culicidae
Anopheles ranci Grjebine, 1953
Anopheles rangeli Gabald., Covo-gar., Lopez, 1940
Anopheles recens Sallum & Peyton, 2005
Anopheles refutans Alcock, 1913
Anopheles reidi Harrison, 1973
Anopheles rennellensis Taylor & Maffi, 1991
Anopheles rhodesiensis Theobald, 1901
Anopheles riparis King & Baisas, 1936
Anopheles rivadeneirai Levi-Castillo, 1945
Anopheles rivulorum Leeson, 1935
Anopheles rodhaini Leeson, 1950
Anopheles rollai Cova Garcia, 1977
Anopheles rondoni Neiva and Pinto, 1922
Anopheles roperi Reid, 1950
Anopheles roubaudi Grjebine, 1953
Anopheles ruarinus Edwards, 1940
Anopheles rufipes Gough, 1910
Anopheles rupicolus Lewis, 1937
Anopheles sacharovi Favre, 1903
Anopheles salbaii Maffi & Coluzzi, 1958
Anopheles samarensis Rozeboom, 1951
Anopheles sanctielii Senevet and Abonnenc, 1938
Anopheles saperoi Bohart & Ingram, 1946
Anopheles saungi Colless, 1955
Anopheles sawadwongporni Rattanarithikul & Green, 1987
Anopheles sawyeri Causey, Deane & Sampaio, 1943
Anopheles scanloni Sallum & Peyton, 2005
Anopheles schueffneri Stanton, 1915
Anopheles schwetzi Evans, 1934
Anopheles separatus Leicester, 1908
Anopheles seretsei Abdulla-Khan, Coetzee & Hunt, 1998
Anopheles sergentii Theobald, 1907
Anopheles seydeli Edwards, 1929
Anopheles shannoni Davis, 1931
Anopheles similissimus Strickland & Chowdhury, 1927
Anopheles simlensis James, 1911
Anopheles sinensis Wiedemann, 1828
Anopheles sineroides Yamada, 1924
Anopheles sintoni Puri, 1929
Anopheles sintonoides Ho, 1938
Anopheles smaragdinus Reinert, 1997
Anopheles smithii Theobald, 1905
Anopheles soalalaensis Grjebine, 1953
Anopheles solomonis Belkin, Knight & Rozeboom, 1945
Anopheles somalicus Rivola & Holstein, 1957
Anopheles splendidus Koidzumi, 1920
Anopheles squamifemur Antunes, 1937
Anopheles squamosus Theobald, 1901
Anopheles stephensi Liston, 1901
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