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reginkaxoxo, 12.06.2013 19:20

Good evening smile.gifI would like to compare the species composition of cows separately in the forest, field and garden. (where there is more variety).but I have no idea where or how to find them. in the garden that is okay on the thorn aphids a lot they live there. but in the field....in the woods? maybe there are special traps for them? or should I drag aphids out of the house? lol.gif


13.06.2013 5:19, vasiliy-feoktistov

Good evening smile.gifI would like to compare the species composition of cows separately in the forest, field and garden. (where there is more variety).but I have no idea where or how to find them. in the garden that is okay on the thorn aphids a lot they live there. but in the field....in the woods? maybe there are special traps for them? or should I drag aphids out of the house? lol.gif

Why drag aphids out of the house? In the field and forest of your aphidswink.gif, just look for aphids and ladybirds (that's right, the beetle family Coccinellidae) carefully and I'm sure you'll find as many as you want. By the way: they don't just feed on aphids.

13.06.2013 8:40, reginkaxoxo

thank you for your reply)today I'll go look for it already)in the garden while I found the cow Calvia, seven-point and two-pointsmile.gif

13.06.2013 20:18, Bad Den

Just take a net and " mow " the vegetation, then choose the cows you are interested in from the net.

15.06.2013 9:23, AGG

"cows" are best mowed wink.gifBUT! not everything that is "red/yellow with dots" is a cow, and not all cows are such as the "inner voice" of the average person draws for himself. try to find lists for your region, look at pictures of these species to "know the enemy in person" and not accidentally "throw the baby out with water", read their biology. some species are associated with certain types of plants (ex. pine), respectively, in the garden you will find them only by chance, if there is a forest nearby. some are associated with wetter places, etc. etc.
good luck!
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15.06.2013 21:43, reginkaxoxo

thank you very much!!))) smile.gif smile.gif

20.09.2013 13:32, базик12лет

help what fruits you can feed them.If I don't find out my mother won't let me leave her at home wall.gif shuffle.gif frown.gif confused.gif

20.09.2013 13:49, vasiliy-feoktistov

help what fruits you can feed them.If I don't find out Mom won't let me leave her at home wall.gif  shuffle.gif  frown.gif  confused.gif

It's better to let her out. Ladybirds are currently looking for somewhere to sleep until spring. Why waste time torturing an animal? Yes, and most types of ladybirds do not seem to eat fruit smile.gif- They are predatory beetles: hunters of other insects.

08.12.2013 17:23, KingSnake

Maybe someone will be interested. The ladybugs I met this year
Likes: 3

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