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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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21.09.2022 7:09, Dmitry Vlasov

Now it's my turn to ask for help shuffle.gif
caught Dromius in the center of Yaroslavl, color-D. quadraticollis. But when viewed under binoculars, differences were revealed - the absence of wrinkles on the head (from the word - completely) and the shape of the pronotum is rather trapezoidal. I sit and "scratch turnips", either aberrant D. quadraticollis, or something else. the photo, of course, is a bad one, but the shape of the pronotum and the absence of wrinkles are visible. punctuation on nadkr. only on the 7 interval
help, than you can lol.gif

After consulting by phone, it was decided that this is Dromius laeviceps, with a very weak dotted line on the 2nd interval
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23.09.2022 21:10, Honza

Please help me with the definition.Thank you very much.

picture: 1663956183739.JPEG
1663956183739.JPEG — (174.99к)

24.09.2022 10:44, chebur

Please help me with the definition.
Greece, Attica, coastal hills, on flowers, April
Length-6,8 mm
picture: IMG_1708__1_.jpg

24.09.2022 13:32, OEV

Please help me identify weevils. If it is difficult to get to the species, it will suit you to the genus, or at least to the subfamily. Sorry for the quality - all that my photo equipment could give out.

1. Some Phyllobius. L-7mm - Okr. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe, 3.07.22.
picture: 1..jpg

Eusomus ovulum Germar, 1824 wink.gif
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24.09.2022 22:59, MIV

Please help me identify these beetles.
Krasnoyarsk region, forest-steppe. 4.08.22

1. Barbel-9mm
picture: _____9__.jpg

2. Nutcracker - 10mm
picture: _______10__.jpg

25.09.2022 15:48, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, Voynovo-gora 3.05.2022
picture: IMG_1173_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1177_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1037_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1041_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1127_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1132_____________.JPG
4 Asaphidion flavipes?
picture: IMG_1083_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1088_____________.JPG
5 Bembidion varium?
picture: IMG_1067_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1072_____________.JPG

25.09.2022 19:59, Victor Titov

Please help me identify these beetles.
Krasnoyarsk region, forest-steppe. 4.08.22
1. Barbel-9mm
2. Nutcracker - 10mm

1 - Pseudovadonia livida
2 - Agriotes lineatus
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26.09.2022 10:20, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Voynovo gora 3.08.2022
Exochomus quadripustulatus?
picture: IMG_7913.JPG
picture: IMG_7915.JPG

26.09.2022 16:20, Victor Titov

M. O., Voynovo gora 3.08.2022
Exochomus quadripustulatus?

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26.09.2022 18:06, Mato

Hello! Help me determine it. Crimea, August. Coast. In the rocks. It is 12 mm long. Some kind of Harpalus.

картинка: anJawPJu0kP77owqU0y7gtzQsPAl8E6H3CdNndxtENEPTqHNIfNeHcKWS8odiisEnSCVuxGT1A_I1e98FqKYdteE.jpg
anJawPJu0kP77owqU0y7gtzQsPAl8E6H3CdNndxtENEPTqHNIfNeHcKWS8odiisEnSCVuxGT1A_I1e98FqKYdteE.jpg — (292.32к)

картинка: CnwcZBXKrBPZm69Su4kGVuSdj15GpjG8TGBaz56wrfO8cVSuILUTBReFdcFn4et1JVGy9MiD5f6OYUd8RAJPKaWp.jpg
CnwcZBXKrBPZm69Su4kGVuSdj15GpjG8TGBaz56wrfO8cVSuILUTBReFdcFn4et1JVGy9MiD5f6OYUd8RAJPKaWp.jpg — (299.95к)

26.09.2022 21:17, MIV

More Siberian weevils. At least up to the genus or subfamily.

1. L-6mm.Okr. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 8.08.21.
picture: 1.jpg

2. L-7mm. Irkutsk region, okr. Slyudyanki. 16.07.21
picture: 2.jpg

3. L-8mm. Zap. Sayan, Ergaki village, Locatornaya city. 17.07.22
picture: 3.jpg

26.09.2022 23:12, Dmitry Vlasov

More Siberian weevils. At least up to the genus or subfamily.

All Otiorhynchus, and then pass
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27.09.2022 11:03, Gray-Ejik

All Otiorhynchus, and then pass

Everything is simple here. 1) Otiorhynchus raucus, 2,3) O. grandineus.

This post was edited by Gray-Ejik - 27.09.2022 11: 06
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28.09.2022 1:00, Necrocephalus

Moscow region, Voynovo-gora 3.05.2022
picture: IMG_1173_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1177_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1037_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1041_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1127_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1132_____________.JPG
4 Asaphidion flavipes?
picture: IMG_1083_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1088_____________.JPG
5 Bembidion varium?
picture: IMG_1067_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1072_____________.JPG

1. Cassida is very strange. Possibly an under-colored copy.
4. yes
5. yes
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28.09.2022 1:13, Necrocephalus

Please help me identify these ground beetles.
1. ?
Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in the window trap, last decade of May
Length - 4 mm.

Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in the window trap, first half of June
Length - 4.6 mm.

3. Perigona nigriceps ?
Chekhov district, Moscow region, in a window trap over compost, first decade of June
Length - 4 mm.

1. Acupalpus flavicollis
2. Acupalpus meridianus
3. да
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02.10.2022 20:40, MIV

Is there any way to identify this swimmer?
Ocd. Krasnoyarsk. I got into a soil trap on the swampy bank of a small river. 4.08.22.
L - 11mm

picture: ________.jpg

02.10.2022 22:09, chebur

Please help me identify these weevils.
1. ?
Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in the window trap, first half of June
Length - 4 mm.
picture: IMG_1342_MOD__1_.jpg
picture: IMG_1347_MOD__1_.jpg

2. ?
Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in a window trap on an oak tree, first half of July
Length - 3.8 mm.
picture: IMG_1355__1_.JPG
picture: IMG_1375.JPG

Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in a soil trap on the steepened slope of the southern exposure, August
Length-3.7 mm
picture: IMG_1227__1_.jpg.

02.10.2022 23:27, Necrocephalus

Please help me identify these weevils.
1. ?
Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in the window trap, first half of June
Length - 4 mm.
picture: IMG_1342_MOD__1_.jpg
picture: IMG_1347_MOD__1_.jpg

2. ?
Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in a window trap on an oak tree, first half of July
Length - 3.8 mm.
picture: IMG_1355__1_.JPG
picture: IMG_1375.JPG

Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in a soil trap on the steepened slope of the southern exposure, August
Length - 3.7 mm.
picture: IMG_1227__1_.jpg

1. Anthonomus further down the key
2. Coeliodes transversealbofasciatus
3. Sitona further down the key

This post was edited by Necrocephalus - 02.10.2022 23: 29
Likes: 1

03.10.2022 9:54, Elena Sergeeva

Good afternoon! Please help me identify the bug. Tyumen region, Lipnyak, end of July. Body length 3.5 mm.

picture: 11.jpg
11.jpg — (40.72к)

03.10.2022 13:13, Dmitry Vlasov

Good afternoon! Please help me identify the bug. Tyumen region, Lipnyak, end of July. Body length 3.5 mm.

Synchita humeralis (Fabricius, 1792)
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03.10.2022 13:59, Victor Titov

Is there any way to identify this swimmer?
Ocd. Krasnoyarsk. I got into a soil trap on the swampy bank of a small river. 4.08.22.
L - 11mm

Ilybius fuliginosus
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03.10.2022 21:44, chebur

Please help me with the definition.
1. Chekhov district, Moscow region, July 25
Length-8.5 mm
picture: IMG_1092_mod.JPG
picture: IMG_1093.JPG
picture: IMG_1096.JPG

04.10.2022 11:12, maik

Dear sirs, please tell
me the qualification characteristics of the material:
A1: quality material with no visible damage;
A1- :
A -:

05.10.2022 22:48, chebur

Please help me with my soft body.
Rhagonycha lignosa ?
Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in the window trap, first half of June
Length - 8.2 mm.
picture: IMG_1405.JPG

The post was edited by chebur - 05.10.2022 22: 51

06.10.2022 10:13, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, SNT "Neftyanik" 2.06.2022
picture: IMG_4790.JPGpicture: IMG_4787.JPGpicture: IMG_4791.JPG

The post was edited by Gennadich - 06.10.2022 10: 14

06.10.2022 11:04, OEV

Moscow region, SNT "Neftyanik" 2.06.2022

Cryptocephalus distinguendus Schneider, 1792, female. smile.gif

This post was edited by OEV-06.10.2022 11: 04
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07.10.2022 10:29, Andrey Ponomarev

Metro station Nerskaya 6.06.2022
picture: IMG_5832.JPGpicture: IMG_5833.JPGpicture: IMG_5834.JPGpicture: IMG_5836.JPG

07.10.2022 10:40, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Zhukovo 11.05.2022
picture: IMG_2245.JPGpicture: IMG_2252.JPGpicture: IMG_2403.JPGpicture: IMG_2404.JPG[attachm
entid ()=337866]
picture: IMG_2131.JPGpicture: IMG_2133.JPGpicture: IMG_2388.JPGpicture: IMG_2389.JPG[attachm
3 25.04.2022
picture: IMG_0257.JPG
picture: IMG_0258.JPG
picture: IMG_0259.JPG

The post was edited by Gennadich - 07.10.2022 10: 43

07.10.2022 13:26, Dmitry Vlasov

Metro station Nerskaya 6.06.2022
picture: IMG_5832.JPGpicture: IMG_5833.JPGpicture: IMG_5834.JPGpicture: IMG_5836.JPG

Ips typographus, же
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07.10.2022 13:30, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, Poplar 6.08.2022
picture: IMG_8541.JPGpicture: IMG_8543.JPGpicture: IMG_8546.JPG

The post was edited by Gennadich - 07.10.2022 13: 32

07.10.2022 13:41, Andrey Ponomarev

Ips typographus, same

I still have it signed, I just needed confirmation. Thank you again. beer.gif

The post was edited by Gennadich - 07.10.2022 13: 41

07.10.2022 15:54, MiLLeNium Niobius

Small white-berry ornamental shrub, Tula. All the leaves are covered with pupae of some kind of ladybirds, here is one hatched. Can I identify it?
picture: IMG_20221007_154309.jpg

The post was edited by InsideOfDream-08.10.2022 06: 55

07.10.2022 16:12, Andrey Ponomarev

M O., Voynovo-gora, 30.05.2022
Xyleborus dispar?
picture: IMG_4001.JPG
picture: IMG_4005.JPG
picture: IMG_4162.JPG
picture: IMG_4163.JPG
picture: IMG_4165.JPG

07.10.2022 18:31, OEV

Moscow region, Poplar 6.08.2022
picture: IMG_8541.JPGpicture: IMG_8543.JPGpicture: IMG_8546.JPG

In my opinion the color form is Cryptocephalus pusillus Fabricius, 1777.
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07.10.2022 18:47, OEV

M. O., Zhukovo 11.05.2022
picture: IMG_2245.JPGpicture: IMG_2252.JPGpicture: IMG_2403.JPGpicture: IMG_2404.JPG[attachm
entid ()=337866]
picture: IMG_2131.JPGpicture: IMG_2133.JPGpicture: IMG_2388.JPGpicture: IMG_2389.JPG[attachm

I assume both are similar to Coeliodinus nigritarsis (Hartmann, 1895) shuffle.gif
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07.10.2022 20:07, Dmitry Vlasov

M O., Voynovo-gora, 30.05.2022
Xyleborus dispar?

yes.gif yes.gif yes.gif
only non - Anisandrus dispar
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09.10.2022 5:49, OEV

Small white-berry ornamental shrub, Tula. All the leaves are covered with pupae of some kind of ladybirds, here is one hatched. Can I identify it?
picture: IMG_20221007_154309.jpg

Assume color form Ceratomegilla undecimnotata (Schneider, 1792) wink.gif
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09.10.2022 17:55, chebur

Please help me with the definition.
1. ?
Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in a window trap on an oak tree with fermented sap flowing out, second half of June
Length - 3.5 mm.
picture: IMG_1299.JPG

2. ?
Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in a window trap with a fall bait, the second decade of May
Length - 3 mm.
picture: IMG_1415__1_.jpg
picture: IMG_1415__2_.jpg
picture: IMG_1418__1_.jpg
picture: IMG_1420__1_.jpg

Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in a soil trap on the steepened slope of the southern exposure, August
Length - 2.4 mm.
picture: IMG_1261.JPG

4. ?
Chekhov district, Moscow region, sukhodolny meadow, in a soil trap, end of July
Length-3.5 mm
picture: IMG_1483.JPG

5. Epuraea guttata (Olivier, 1811) ?
Serebryano-Prudsky district, Moscow region, in a window trap on an oak tree with fermented juice flowing out, August
Length - 4 mm.
picture: IMG_1185_mod__1_.jpg

The post was edited by chebur - 09.10.2022 18: 09

09.10.2022 19:40, Dmitry Vlasov

Please help me with the definition.

1. Cryptarcha undata (Olivier, 1790)
3. Meligethes sp.
5. yes.gif
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09.10.2022 22:05, chebur

Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) coenobita (Herbst, 1783) ?
Chekhov district, Moscow region, soil trap for cow dung, first decade of June
Length-8.2 mm

The post was edited by chebur - 31.01.2023 23: 53

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