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Photo #11848: Neptis hylas


Neptis hylas

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Mdsaiful Sakim. Image redone at the website. Identified by: Dmitriy Pozhogin. Tentative identification

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2012-02-05 00:00:00, Malaysia,Sarawak,Kuching at Kota Sentosa

Comments on this image

18.07.2012 21:32, Peter Khramov

The species added, photo moved to "uncertain". So let it be identified by Dmitry for he was the first who suggested N. hylas.

18.07.2012 1:28, Eugene Karolinskiy

Neptis hylas, for example (what's a pretty common oriental species that this one looks very similar to). Sure, identification is uncertain. :)

16.07.2012 14:55, Peter Khramov

Summary: to leave it as it's now? Or what?

01.06.2012 12:42, Peter Khramov

Though specky, still not Athyma asura.

31.05.2012 22:12, Olga Averyanova

Doesn't it look like Athyma asura? ... I'll shoot it in a moment and upload those mine who spread.

30.05.2012 14:27, Peter Khramov

Bleh! Any versions for "uncertain" at least?

30.05.2012 14:16, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Why, it actually might be there. You can't say surely without some attributes not seen on photo.

30.05.2012 13:03, Peter Khramov

Guys, let's everybody calm down. If there is no Neptis in Malaysia, shan't we just take it peacefully?

30.05.2012 10:39, Dmitriy Pozhogin

25.05.2012, Yury Karpov:
I looked right into its eyes.

Well, your ophthalmology skills seem to be bad support. You'd rather read something on Neptis.

25.05.2012 15:22, Yuriy Karpov

I looked right into its eyes.

24.05.2012 22:16, Peter Khramov

I said that Neptis would rather end with sappho than anything else. So "how come?" doesn't come... ;--)

24.05.2012 22:07, Dmitriy Pozhogin

What do you actually mean???

24.05.2012 22:00, Peter Khramov

Dmitry, decent folks should know nothing but Neptis sappho only!

24.05.2012 14:21, Dmitriy Pozhogin

How come you identified it as Neptis sappho?

07.04.2012 23:06, Peter Khramov

Why not, it's actually mentioned in Southeast Asia. Hence it might be in Malaysia too.

07.04.2012 17:39, Dmitriy Pozhogin

My congratulations on the discovery of Neptis sappho in Malaysia!

05.04.2012 21:35, Yuriy Karpov

Neptis sappho.

05.04.2012 21:14, Yuriy Karpov

Neptis sappho.

22.03.2012 19:48, Peter Khramov

Yury, what did you actually confirm, Neptis hylas sopatra?

21.03.2012 15:43, Yuriy Karpov This species is identified correctly.

08.03.2012 14:30, Dmitrii Covalenco

Neptis sappho.

06.02.2012 21:07, Dmitriy Pozhogin

To "uncertain".

06.02.2012 20:03, Peter Khramov

Sure enough to move it to "uncertain" or just leave it in "undetermined" thus far?

06.02.2012 19:54, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Suggest Neptis hylas sopatra. Neptises always blow my mind.

06.02.2012 12:45, Peter Khramov

Moved to "undetermined".

06.02.2012 11:35, Dmitriy Pozhogin

This is not bolina but something of neptis. The species is identified wrong.

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