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Photo #21776: Pontia edusa


Pontia edusa

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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo: Alexey Fomin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Alexandr Zhakov

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2010-07-11 20:43:00, Moscow Region

Comments on this image

23.04.2013 23:11, Peter Khramov

Yuri, systematics always argue, and the system is not perfect and is not expected. But it is necessary for something to be guided in this swamp, or train in any way.

22.04.2013 12:16, Yuri Semejkin

No one has provided a reference to the identity of both species at the same larva, pupa. As they say - taxonomy argue. Maybe still is placed in inaccurate opredelёёnnye?

22.04.2013 11:10, Yuri Semejkin

Again, any glitch. Part Copy is not my

22.04.2013 11:07, Yuri Semejkin

A base? I went on this link, but there is also no biology. According to this explanation, it is clear there are no data on the COI gene only 4 Central (from Luhtanova) and 1st Chinese copies. Who are edusa, who daplidice - is unclear. Differences in gene sequences between individuals of practically no.Unfortunately, the more northern specimens (where theoretically lives edusa) did not study.

Here, the study of mitochondrial DNA also speaks in favor of the species identity of taxa ... Of course, it is necessary to study in detail the material from other regions may be that something will change and then. But I very much doubt.On the basis of small differences in biochemistry to conclude that the two, not one, look, I would not. Especially because all the other signs do not speak in favor of this. The morphology of adults and preimaginalov very similar. Ecological features - too. Available crossed. Conclusion - it is a single species. .But at times, have similarities in appearance butterflies (visually indistinguishable or nearly indistinguishable) there are differences in biology (differences in the tracks. Pupae. Feed). This reference is not reflected. Why split hairs may be the answer to the surface?. It seems that no one was interested in comparative biology of the species.In vskom case, I do not find in the internet.

21.04.2013 19:57, Peter Khramov

So, eduza.

13.04.2013 12:46, Alexandr Zhakov

If you're really interested, then it's worth making "a long search to clear this out". One can't give the sole and right answer, just his/her own personal opinion as to what's right. I'm faunist and content with that at this stage they refer Eastern European populations to Pontia edusa.

13.04.2013 2:59, Yuri Semejkin

Alexandr! Thanks for your elaboration. Still I have a question. Alexandr, if it's not a big dig (don't want to make a long search on the web to clear this out), would you please say if there is any difference in biology between Pontia daplidice and P. edusa (say, larvae or host plants)? Or genitalia?

13.04.2013 1:32, Alexandr Zhakov

Yury, now it's deemed that there is another species in Russia, Pontia edusa, they don't differ in appearance, but I can't answer your possible question what's the difference between them, this is still a problem for taxonomists to solve, anyway it's generally accepted that all previous references to daplidice now considered edusa, which substitutes the species in the east of Europe. :)

13.04.2013 1:22, Yuri Semejkin

Pontia daplidice.

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