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Photo #22030: Plebejus argus


Plebejus argus

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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Irina Nikulina. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2010-06-14 14:40:00, Russia, Kaluzhskaya reg., Borovskiy distr.

Comments on this image

04.10.2013 23:23, Peter Khramov Corrected data.

Not identified Plebejus argus / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.

04.10.2013 23:15, Irina Nikulina

It turns out that the first assumption was true) Thank you, Sergei. It is necessary to carry, I guess. And more in the future, if not more difficult, while Idas that biotope than differs significantly from that of the Argus?

04.10.2013 13:58, Sergei Kotov

In this case the most likely Plebejus argus it.

04.10.2013 13:40, Irina Nikulina

Edge of mixed forest, Sergey

04.10.2013 12:29, Sergei Kotov

And in what biotope was made this picture?

04.10.2013 12:16, Irina Nikulina

October on the yard) may be returning from the fields prompt anything?)

20.05.2013 23:41, Irina Nikulina

Well, maybe, though occasionally will glance), well, so net-after fields of torment)) has collected a lot of questions. In the meantime, and fans, too, will stroll through the fields)

20.05.2013 22:50, Peter Khramov

Spec. certainly say that until October, they say, in the fields! Around the same haughty expression, as artists say, we say, in rehearsal, and athletes - in training!

20.05.2013 18:46, Irina Nikulina

Igor, that I hesitated just between the two, so the question left) bow to idasu- underside darker blue scales and spraying at the root dimmer, other clear differences not know (no top) .. This is expect that special. say).

20.05.2013 14:46, Igor Sakhno

Or he or IDASA.

13.05.2013 23:42, Irina Nikulina

Plebejus argus?

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