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Photo #23765: Pleuroptya ruralis


Pleuroptya ruralis

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Zoran Bozovic

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2013-08-03 00:00:00, Vladivostok, Akademgorodok

Comments on this image

21.03.2014 9:48, Yuri Semejkin

Came the reply from Kirpichnikova VA It confirmed the accuracy of the determination. Pictured Pleuroptya ruralis

22.02.2014 12:57, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Not identified Pleuroptya ruralis / Confidently identified / Zoran Bozovic.

22.02.2014 12:57, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Taking Sergey's version and my preceded link, get to move :)

20.02.2014 23:14, Sergei Kotov

Pleuroptya ruralis
Sure if there is no another as similar species in the region.

20.02.2014 22:02, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I checked all possible species within Far East, so there is nothing similar more than Pleuroptya ruralis, as I see: http://www.jpmoth.org/Crambidae/Pyraustinae/Pleuroptya_ruralis.html (should check all pics). Can't stop thinking about that one :)
Won't move though, just put up for a discussion.

19.02.2014 7:54, Vasiliy Feoktistov

In this case I can agree with you. Myself doubt a alot, don't know them in this region even I wrote yesterday I'd move. P. ruralis is quite common here (as well as anywhere, I think), never met it looking like this. I happen to see a load of 50 when they fly to my balcony at night......

19.02.2014 2:32, Alexandr Zhakov

Please don't, stay this here, it's not shiny but dim :)

19.02.2014 0:40, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Let it stays here till tomorrow, if no other versions, will move this to ruralis )

19.02.2014 0:36, Irina Nikulina

There are lots of them to compare. The patter is the same, but big difference can be due to difference light, shot angles and just overall lightning. Last summer I shot the same specimen in different light, 4 times.... Looked like 4 different species) Can be distinguished by pattern only)

19.02.2014 0:20, Vasiliy Feoktistov

P. S. Found amidst mine our local, loaded just to check the difference: http://lepidoptera.pro/gallery/27706

18.02.2014 23:08, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Checked the links. Not the one, this one instead looks more of ruralis, imho. Wait for some opinions more.

18.02.2014 22:49, Irina Nikulina

Still I think this is it. The rest 5 Pleuroptya in Primorye are way more different, only could be compared to harutai. Here are its pics on the web: http://www.jpmoth.org/~dmoth/63_Crambidae/6109_Pyraustinae/610905200_Pleuroptya/610905212_Pleuroptya_harutai_1634/Pleuroptya_harutai.htm

18.02.2014 22:14, Vasiliy Feoktistov

It's distributed in 40th region, though doesn't look like our local in Moscow region, as I see. Far East people, halloo :)

21.12.2013 23:03, Zoran Bozovic

Pleuroptya ruralis ?

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