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Photo #23957: Cossus cossus


Cossus cossus

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo, and identified by: Sergei Kotov. Image without retouching at the website

Comments on this image

07.10.2014 19:14, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yes, and a good chance that after the road, through some time will have to degrease again and in pure gasoline. Fat can act again.
A stink any gasoline: just need to ventilate well. I, by the way, after degreasing, for the moment, Kossusy themselves and stink, as they should. Gasoline no hint :)

07.10.2014 14:24, Dmitriy Pozhogin

This method, of course, do not come up with Vasily. Simple gasoline stinks and Shoe odorless. And as a result edentichny.

06.10.2014 19:05, Alexander Belousov

Basil tested method, but gasoline was a mere 92. The result is excellent, but the smell remained.

06.10.2014 18:44, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Just I tell you how I do it :)
It is necessary to take appropriate and sealed pot material is not afraid of the impact of such a corrosive liquid like gasoline (glass, etc.). At the bottom of the stick on the "superglue" (not afraid gasoline) piece of cork wine (it is not rzedaet gasoline). Pin stuck in a traffic jam with a butterfly, pour gasoline and Close.After some time, the butterfly transformed.

06.10.2014 15:30, Dmitriy Pozhogin

I liter ready. True zazhirevshih Xyleutes also pieces 10-12 (2 types), not counting the little things. Kossid all the way from Borneo, 2 copies Xyleutes not zazhireli. Miracles.

06.10.2014 14:47, Vasiliy Feoktistov

And rightly so. Is stored, Dmitry. Especially a lot of leaves on Xyleutes: After washing a pair of gasoline, and pour the broth becomes necessary :)

06.10.2014 14:39, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Nafludit here! Shoe and nothing more !!!

06.10.2014 13:15, Peter Khramov

How to determine what deserves to be the object of worship, and what not? .. "Do not make yourself an idol", again, yeah ...

06.10.2014 12:36, Vasiliy Feoktistov

So, too, among the gas is a very expensive, prestigious and pleasant :)
Ronson, for example: http://www.ronson.com/en/index.php
Gasoline, incidentally, is also among them there.
And an American zippo, lighter soldier made out of "tin" (figuratively speaking). Her simple, unfairly elevated to cult objects.

06.10.2014 12:16, Peter Khramov

But among them there are options that are in the hands to keep nice.

06.10.2014 12:05, Vasiliy Feoktistov

A galosh in bottles of 0.5 liters. And there is such a bottle is much cheaper than a bottle of scanty gasoline lighter :)
Peter, I'm a heavy smoker, and therefore I can say that the lighter zippo, is a show-off, and nothing more.

06.10.2014 11:48, Peter Khramov

But Zippy in cool cans! And anyway, no gas is lighter juzat.

06.10.2014 11:43, Vasiliy Feoktistov

ZIPPO - money down the drain :) Besides it there contain oily contaminants to escape from the lower gasoline lighters.
Domestic "Galosha" is gasoline, which is specifically designed for cleaning and degreasing. Therefore it is necessary to use it. By the same it costs much cheaper than zazhigalochny. A lot of fuel is necessary for these purposes.

06.10.2014 11:34, Peter Khramov

Like zazhigalochny still recommend, even though he did not try.

06.10.2014 10:46, Dmitriy Pozhogin

I Borneo lies a mattress, "pieces of fat." In winter I will degrease.

05.10.2014 20:52, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yes, Shamil. And that's not very much (for C. cossus), zazhirenny. I have my zazhirivalis successfully from 2003 to 2012, when I bothered to wash them: all were afraid to look (
Cossidae zazhirivayutsya all, without exception. And clean gasoline "Galosha" helps if to hold it for a week."Bathing" should have straightened material, or after not spread gasoline (petrol strongly of stale insect).
Important: ! In no case can not use gasoline: you only need to clean, without impurities!

05.10.2014 20:16, Shamil Murtazin

Basil looks so clean copy without gasoline?

05.10.2014 17:33, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Imago Male.

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