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Photo #60374: Cossus cossus


Cossus cossus

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Photo, and identified by: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2016-10-16 00:00:00, Surroundings of Vladivostok, lower reaches of the Bogatoy River

Photographer's comment: Larva, odorless.

Comments on this image

11.02.2019 15:56, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Acossus terebra Cossus cossus.

11.02.2019 15:55, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Tentatively identified Confidently identified.

09.02.2019 1:19, Elena Volynets

Alexander, I wrote it on my smartphone and the message was automatically edited, and I didn't check it. Cossus cossus.

06.02.2019 17:04, Alexandr Zhakov

Good afternoon, Elena!
It is very nice that you continue the work of Yury. :)
For this photo, please clarify. I didn't find this species at all. Or did you mean Cossus cossus? There is no acossus species in the genus Acossus. Please specify so that I can move this photo to its place. :)

04.02.2019 5:56, Elena Volynets

Hello, Alexander.
This is the wife of Yury Semeykin.
Today I talked with Yu. A. Chistyakov, to whom I gave the stump in which this caterpillar hid. The moth hatched from it, but it was deformed, however, Yu. A. Chistyakov confidently identified it as Acossus acossus.
All the best,

18.10.2016 9:03, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Cossus cossus / Confidently identified Acossus terebra / Tentatively identified.

18.10.2016 4:43, Yuri Semejkin

I went to Chistyakov Yu. A. BPI FEB RAS. Its preliminary definition is that it is Lamellocossus terebrus Den. et Schiff. For an accurate determination, an imago is needed, and possibly a genital preparation, since there is a similar species. On the site this species is called Acossus terebra (Den. et Schiff, 1775)

17.10.2016 12:50, Alexandr Zhakov

The question with the caterpillar smell is also interesting, maybe it is a good specific or generic sign.:)

17.10.2016 12:43, Yuri Semejkin

Can. I'm looking here in the search engine red caterpillars DV. I didn't find anything with the specification. I hope for pupation more, then the time to search more specifically will appear.

17.10.2016 12:38, Alexandr Zhakov

Cossus orientalis. But there may be other genera with very similar caterpillars.

17.10.2016 12:25, Yuri Semejkin

Sasha, you may be right about the view, I found such a picture on the Internet and haven't looked for much else yet. Taken with a flash, the color is slightly shifted, in the original it is closer to cherry. I took the caterpillar for cultivation, but whether it will work or not is a question. Perhaps it is necessary to feed, although it seems to be out of season. Crawling on the ground, and this is often a sign of pupation. Need info on the larva and pupa. If C. cossus disappears, then C. siniaevi Yakovlev, 2004 and ? Who is the 3rd ? There are only 2 views in the catalog.

17.10.2016 10:43, Alexandr Zhakov

Yura, I have doubts about the specific identity of this caterpillar. You have three species of this genus there, but I have never seen such a monocolored caterpillar in Cossus cossus. And the smell of caterpillars is always there, the specific name is from this. Maybe the view is different? Are you going to bring out a butterfly?

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